Deleted member 5577 Guest Aug 20, 2019 Thread starter #2 Its scone and if you say it any other way you're getting rdmed
Creepis Messages 7,021 Reaction score 18,222 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Aug 20, 2019 #5 Scone.
JRW Messages 1,582 Reaction score 1,640 Points 700 Location Southampton Aug 20, 2019 #7 *Skon* is how id say it
KeiwaM Messages 1,412 Reaction score 2,379 Points 865 Location Denmark Aug 20, 2019 #8 That's what I said, Scone
Bnjemann Messages 9,668 Reaction score 12,062 Points 975 Location REHAB Aug 20, 2019 Staff #9 Is it bad that I was able to immediately read the title as "Skon or Scone" in my head?