Screen Freezes

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Built a new pc in December and It has been running fine until like a month back it would start freezing when playing games like PUBG and Overwatch. Basically computer and fans are still running but screen freezes in place and sound stops. I restart my computer and its all ok again. Maybe its some component overheating because I'm not sure.
Could be a faulty ram stick, try switching them around or taking one and leaving one, etc.

Make sure your heat sink is mounted properly, I couldn't boot sometimes and had issues because it wasn't mounted properly.

Check to see all cables are where they're supposed to be.

Check temps while in game.

Stress test your cpu and see if anything happens, download prime95 and run it when you boot. If you're confused on how to use it look it up on YouTube.
How much RAM do you have? Games like PUBG use a lot of ram, if you only have 8gb it could be maxing it out, especially if you have something like chrome running in the background.Have task manager running in the background & check it when the freezing starts to see whats going on.
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