Sell cars to players

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Topic: Sell cars to players

Short explanation (in notes):
-Add a new dialogue to npc at car dealer.
-Put for sale tag on your car and drive around to get clients.
-Sell vehicles to players.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When you enter the Car Dealer NPC menu, there would be an option "I would like to put for sale tag on one of my cars". After you do this, there will be text floating above the car saying "FOR SALE [Car Model] [Price] [Selling player]". You can either drive it around or park it in crowded places to attract customers. The advantage of this will be that you can set price higher than the price of selling to an npc but only 75% or less from car's original price. You would be able to sell cars with after market kits and etc too. When someone wants to buy a car, you get a window similar to the one you get while getting ticketed. You get 2 options: Ok, Give him the keys! Wait, I'm gonna talk to him.
I think it should become added since IRL you don't sell cars only to the dealer. It also would give an advantage for both seller and buyer in price.

Optional additions:
- None
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This was an old aspect of the server which was removed long ago, before the new Paralake map I believe (correct me if I am wrong). I highly doubt that the senior staff will add this system back in as it was somewhat abused.
a good idea, with the 75% it shouldn't be abused, but some people might find bugs in early stage

A extra addon for suggestion, I think you should pay 1k to advert it and $500 for the sell tag
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How about you can only sell it for lower than the car price on 0%? Then it wouldnt be abused.

EDIT: he did note what I said in the post.

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