Server Ban Dispute (Erwin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Erwin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Rey-Alin
Your Roleplay Name: Max Allan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561198801778266

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1 1.6 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I didn't understand the situation i was in, I didn't think the guy was giving an order. His voice and tone made me think he was joking. I misunderstood the situation and the moderator constantly accused me of lying which lead me to insulting him. This isn't a fair punishment in my eyes, I didn't understand it at all and I should be given the benefit of the doubt. I was actually trying to roleplay, I know I got banned for this before but this isn't fair at all. I have to wait two weeks now out of my own failure to process something. How would you guys feel if you got punished for something you didn't understand? I want to play this server but now its hard to even try to play it because I was trying to roleplay and I got banned because I didn't read the situation correctly.

Additional Information: I am not trying to accuse you guys of anything, its well within the rules. But I am genuinely trying to roleplay, you could see that in the logs. I was doing my job and being a good paramedic, because I didnt understand I was given an order under gunpoint thats supposed to be thrown out the window? I want you guys to put yourself in my shoes for a second, I was trying to play the game and something happened. I didn't understand it. The voice of tone the guy had sounded like he was just joking with me, all high pitched.

And before you ask, No I couldn't see the clip because the link wouldn't work. Im going off of my memory for this. The guy asked for his buddy to be healed which I thought was the dead officer on the road, not the guy next to him, so I guess that's my fault. I shouldn't be banned for two weeks, only a day. This is the opposite of fair.
Again, I was trying to play the game. I know I was banned before for this exact reason, but it wasn't intentional this time, I didn't mean to break the rules. But I am very certain that I am not entirely at fault here. It was my failure to understand the problem I was in, can you just please be sympathetic with that?
Is this a dispute or an apology?
it would be an apology but Im not really apologizing for anything because im sure that I am not fully in the wrong here, which is why I selected dispute. If you would like me to make an apology format of this, then that works too.
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