Servers won't show up :"(

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Hello, since today It does not let me join garry's mod servers. It literally only shows like 5 servers.
Everything was okay yesterday and I could play as many times as I would.

-I verified integrity or something.
-Restarted PC
-Changed ingame server browser ping to 1000
Ladies and gentlemen
It's finally fixed!
This is how I solved it:
Or it got fixed by itself idk xD
or What I just did was restarting my router and now everythings fine again!
I want to thank every single one of u for helping me!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm not gonna rdm u guys anymore as TFU!
Alright, Apparently im getting Connection errors on Valorant as well for some reason idk why, but my Internet is alright. I can join FiveM servers.
I tried turning off firewall and anti virus etc, didnt work!
Instead of using your Garrysmod shortcut go into your steam library and launch it from there. I did a bit of research and apparently this worked for some people. If this doesn't work then make sure your anti-virus or firewall is not blocking Garrysmod out as this would also cause servers not to show up. Lastly, if your firewall is off apparently for some people weirdly turning it back on fixed it and all the servers popped up again. Between each attempt at these fixes make sure you restart your game.
I don't know then that's all I could find with the research I was doing. It must be something to do with anti-virus or your internet if Valorant servers aren't working either. Maybe try restarting your router or something.
@DJ Conyo when you reinstalled it, did you delete the garry's mod folder from your steamgames folder? If you didn't it's possible the corrupt file didn't get deleted and that's a possibilty that the reinstall didn't fix your problem!
Ladies and gentlemen
It's finally fixed!
This is how I solved it:
Or it got fixed by itself idk xD
or What I just did was restarting my router and now everythings fine again!
I want to thank every single one of u for helping me!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm not gonna rdm u guys anymore as TFU!
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