Seventh Sanctum

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--- Disbanded ---


Created by Brian Feldon, Joey Marrey and Robin Jansen

Back Story:

Seventh Sanctum was first created by three men who were fed up of the constant raiding, muggings, and the constant being picked out as targets for crime. These three men joined the commonwealth as friends and came out the other side as best mates, business partners and colleagues.
Brian was the first to join "The Commonwealth" and managed to make his way to recruitment manager, Robin was a fairly recent join and only made it to soldier; Joey was accepted however was never officially a part of "The Commonwealth". The three men were driving home after just being crashed into by a white Chevrolet spark. The three talked and came to the conclusion that they should make a organisation, and here it is.

Seventh Sanctum

Seventh Sanctum Roster:

Seventh Sanctum is currently open for applications, contact Brian Feldon, Joey Marrey or Robin Jansen to join or apply on the application forum that can be found here.
Brian Feldon

Joey Marrey
Robin Jansen




Soldier Leader:





Jimmy Franson

The rank structure works on a basis that you join in at the bottom and work your way up.


The uniform for Seventh Sanctum is a dark purple formal jacket, red under shirt. Plain black trousers for anyone under Officer and black shoes. If your rank is Officer or above then the uniform is the same however you wear white trousers instead of black trousers.


As an organisation, members can use their own firearm of choice. We decided on this so when needed, all our members are used to the weapon and can use it to their best ability to serve the organisation.
However during all small scale raids or to help another person is is under arrest, silenced weapons must be used, preferably the silenced M9 Beratta.



We base in the suburbs house number 1-3 most the time. However on occasion we decide to do business at the Parker and Glass Co buildings in the business area.


Do not steal from other organisation members.
Do not disrespect other organisation member.
Do not disrespect the police force.
Help other "Seventh Sanctum" members out if you can.


That is the seventh Sanctum.
Thank you and good day.

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So, is this a legal or illegal org? "Seventh Sanctum was first created by three men who were fed up of the constant raiding, muggings, and the constant being picked out as targets for crime." If it is legal what is your way of earning money?
Looking forward to some fun RP - Blitz, it's not a legal org, we do drugs. but we tend to respect the police
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Hey Shadow, i've recently joined Perpheads but i've been playing Perpmode for a long time. As a new player i hope you understand that i have a hard time finding friends and partners to earn money with. I recently saw this forum and decided to jump on the train and join it. I was wondering if i could join you're org and become a solider, i'm very experinced with guns and driving cars, unfortunately i dont have a car yet, neither is my firearm level high.
I do have 50k to start with but i decided to spend that into seeds and pots and earn profit. I already got seeds and pots the only problem is i have nowhere and noone to work with, it would be a honor to be in you're org. Oh, and good luck!
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OOC Info:
Do you have a microphone?:
How active are you on the server?:
Steam Name (Optional):

IC Info:

Firearms skill:
What car do you own? (If you do)

Why should we let you join?

What skills can you bring to The Seventh Sanctum?

What makes you stand out compared to other applicants?
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OOC Info:
Name: James/Jack (my nickname)
Age: 17
Country: America
Time-zone: Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00
Do you have a microphone? Nope
How active are you on the server?: Very active
Steam Name (Optional): Commander Potato
IC Info:

Name: Quinn Columbus
Age: 26
Country: Italy
Firearms skill: Im not sure
What car do you own? (If you do): I own a Volvo Turbo (Black)

Why should we let you join?
I am a very skilled and have a good shot, I am a ex-hit man and have lots of experience in the world of crime.
What skills can you bring to The Seventh Sanctum?
My good shot, my knowledge of crime, my driving, and my experience
What makes you stand out compared to other applicants?

I tend to be a lot wiser than my fellow applicants when it comes to drug runs, raids, and patience.
Blitz, sorry for not being polite, but... May I ask why in the name of hell are you here if you're not interested in our org? Sure, thanks for the headsup, but I don't now if you can sue us for a simple app template. Just, please leave if you're gonna stay here just to critisize our ways of ruleing an org, that's what you were doing in the Commonwealth apps as well, you were acting like the goddamn leader and told people to re-make their apps. You're not the leader nor a member of this org, so please don't tell us what we do right and what we do wrong. I appreciate you giving your opinion, but keep it a simple opinion, please.
OOC Info:
Name: George Johnson
Age: 17
Country: Portugal
Time-zone: GMT +0
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active are you on the server?: I'm always active (TS3 (sometimes); Forums (always); Server (always)
Steam Name (Optional): TraxØGJ

IC Info:

Name: George Johnson
Age: 24
Country: United States of America (USA)
Firearms skill: 52
What car do you own? Dodge Charger SRT8 (Green, Upgraded 2x)

Why should we let you join? I think that you should let me join, as I'm a good guy that cares about their organisation / friends, I'm sociable and friendly. I always do my best!

What skills can you bring to The Seventh Sanctum? Good Shooter, Planner.

What makes you stand out compared to other applicants? Well I don't have too much to say about that as no one is better than anyone, everyone is the same and we must live with it, however the only thing that I can say is that I'm good when it comes to follow my superiors.
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*Important Notice*
Everyone that has applied on this thread, we appreciate it and im happy that you want to apply however as stated all applications are to either been done by contacting either Brian Feldon, Joey Marrey or Robin Jansen in-game.
If you do not with to do the application in-game then you should apply on the "Seventh Sanctum" application thread which can be found here.
Thank you
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