[SFM Render] Rain

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United Kingdom
Been a while since I posted a render so thought I'd make another one. Was mainly experimenting with new rain particles and scene lighting which I think came out alright but there's definitely room for some improvement. Either way I did learn a few things with this such as getting license plates to work in SFM, etc. This render is also a 2K render instead of a 4K one because SFM was very unhappy with the amount of particle systems on the scene haha.
that looks sick also would you be available to help me set up sfm as we never ended up finishing getting it working
Damnn this looks clean, I like the detail on that red car being blurry because it's passing, the scene feels very atmospheric
that looks sick also would you be available to help me set up sfm as we never ended up finishing getting it working
I managed to get it working but steadily went insane as nothing was working how I wanted it to :(