Shit Montage Part 6

Still kinda mad about what you did to me with opening that door haha, ns tho : D
Don’t put ur self down ur American and even better from New England(oh wait no ur not). I forbid you from calling any of your montages shit it embarrasses me and @Aquaa cuz we are montage gods(PH Americano Montage dropping this summer)
What the fuck is this laugh at 3: 28. it sounds like someone forced you to laugh lmao.

anyway, I'm gonna report you for clickbait for saying its a shit montage
1:15 BANDAGE BTW @R-Flex
i've really not had a good experience with police over the past few days have I pmsl

either way this is nice
0:15 you look straight at that flash as it explodes and it only flashes you for like 2 secs,i fucking look away from a flash and i get fully flashed pls fix