Server Suggestion Shop “job”: A blaze it

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Suggestion Title: Shop “job”: A blaze it
Suggestion Description: This suggestion is part of a group of suggestions to add jobs in certain stores.

The idea here is to add:
- A new job with a fast paced mini game style activity.
- A small room under the map to accommodate for this.

The full idea on how I think this should go:
- Upon speaking to the gun store NPC, an option for “I’m looking for work, Do you have any job openings” should be added.
- Upon selecting this, the NPC should tell you yes (if the job is available) and confirm that you want to work as a gunsmith.
- Upon joining the job, you will be teleported into a small room with what appears to be a locker, a workbench, a chest, and a door. The door will be to exit the job.

The activity itself:
You have a timer of 3 minutes to fill as many orders as possible,
A prompt will appear on the top right corner of your screen, saying what the customer is looking for, the format for this ideally would be:
Customer order:
- *attributes* *Gun type* for *Distance* *Activity*, *budget*
“Customer order:
Powerful Rifle for Long Range Deer Hunting, For under $35000”
“Customer order:
Quiet High capacity Pistol for Close range Home defense, money is no issue”

Upon receiving an order, you then use the armoury locker to select an appropriate gun for that purpose. Upon withdrawing the weapon with appropriate attachments, you put it into the storage chest. At which point, you will receive a popup prompt either saying:
- This weapon is not what the customer wanted! (Failed)
- The customer bought the gun! Good work! (Passed)

You should receive $250 per successful order.

Upon your timer running out, you’ll get teleported back to the gun store lobby, with a popup saying “Good work, your shift is over, you received $Amount for your hard work!” And a 10 minute cool-down will be applied to joining the job again.

Why should this be added?:
- A very different approach to in game jobs, making them fast paced and quick.
- Good fun mini game
- Gun experts dream.
- Cool-down prevents balance issues,

What negatives could this have?:
- map space (albeit a tiny amount of map space taken).

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