Suggestion Title: Shop crates
Suggestion Description: Add the ability to create a "Shop Crate" from an Empty Crate that can be used more effectively in shops.
These crates could be filled with either two methods; a GUI similar to the chests, or by dropping the item into the chest similar to the refund box system.
This system would be similar to the current method of placing an empty crate on a desk and filling it with loose props, but with less messy spam text above them and with less potential to accidentally send a bunch of small props flying around the bazaar.
These entities could also have maximum item number/size limits, with the potential to add bigger variations that allow for more or larger-sized items.
Why should this be added?:
- Fewer entities per shop, meaning less entity/physics lag from the crazy amount of unfrozen props in such a small area.
- Crates full of items without a spammy mess of unreadable text floating above them.
- Ability to stock up more items without having to worry about your prop limit allowing it.
What negatives could this have?:
- Without extra work, crates would have to be visibly empty and just display their items on the text above the item. A working model could presumably be made however I have no idea how much extra work this would actually be
Suggestion Description: Add the ability to create a "Shop Crate" from an Empty Crate that can be used more effectively in shops.
These crates could be filled with either two methods; a GUI similar to the chests, or by dropping the item into the chest similar to the refund box system.
This system would be similar to the current method of placing an empty crate on a desk and filling it with loose props, but with less messy spam text above them and with less potential to accidentally send a bunch of small props flying around the bazaar.
These entities could also have maximum item number/size limits, with the potential to add bigger variations that allow for more or larger-sized items.
Why should this be added?:
- Fewer entities per shop, meaning less entity/physics lag from the crazy amount of unfrozen props in such a small area.
- Crates full of items without a spammy mess of unreadable text floating above them.
- Ability to stock up more items without having to worry about your prop limit allowing it.
What negatives could this have?:
- Without extra work, crates would have to be visibly empty and just display their items on the text above the item. A working model could presumably be made however I have no idea how much extra work this would actually be

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