Police Suggestion short keys / commands for using the police computer

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Brief description of idea: I told @Samuel to do this when he made the Police Computer update but he didn't listen.

Basically. We know the incidents system isn't used properly, because the F3 menu has a stupid long lag when you press it meaning no-one wants to use it (that's a whole other issue).

To make the police computer used more, and more practical, let's add some commands which people can choose to bind if they like.
  • /assign last
    assigns the user to the most recent 911 call
  • /assign 123
    assigns the user to incident 123
  • /detach
    detaches the user from assigned incident
  • /busy
    sets user as busy
  • /callsign d1
    changes users callsign to delta 1
  • /add a1
    adds a unit to your attached call
  • /anpr
    opens vehicle page on police computer
  • /create trafficstop
    creates traffic stop incident on nearest vehicle, or shows the normal popup
This will be very useful.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
  • lets not waste the police computer update and make it used
  • a solution to the f3 lag potentially
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
  • have to remember more stuff, but cop mains wont care as this is great
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