Police Suggestion Quick incident Hotkeys

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Brief description of idea: Basically, instead of having to go in the police computer, which is risky while driving, You simply press the numbers on your keyboard and it creates quick incidents.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: A cop can be behind a vehicle and instantly do a quick incident, not many people use it because it's such a hassle. First off, F3 takes a while to load and freezes the game, you can't do it while driving.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None that I can think off. This just benefits and makes the quick incident more useable, which makes cops use it more.

Other additions: n/a
Maybe quick indicents aren't meant to be created, as you said they are typed up on a computer so they take a bit, while if you need other people asap you respond over radio (radio call) such as shot fired and you are not sitting in your vehicle typing it up while getting shot at, same thing for being in a car, I dont see what you are trying to suggest but it doesn't seem necessary and I don't see a function of it, Incidents are usually only created (and should only be created) for dispatchers to control the city or if a scene is going to go on for quite a while. (if dispatchers are on tell them to create it)
Maybe quick indicents aren't meant to be created, as you said they are typed up on a computer so they take a bit, while if you need other people asap you respond over radio (radio call) such as shot fired and you are not sitting in your vehicle typing it up while getting shot at, same thing for being in a car, I dont see what you are trying to suggest but it doesn't seem necessary and I don't see a function of it, Incidents are usually only created (and should only be created) for dispatchers to control the city or if a scene is going to go on for quite a while. (if dispatchers are on tell them to create it)
One of them (The ANPR TRAFFIC STOP) Can be very useful when tailing a suspect in a pursuit, if close enough, the incident will be created and plate and car information will be taken.
A) get a partner
B) remember the license plate
C) communicate over the radio for the plate
D) just get him

This realistically isn't a thing either, usually it gets communicated through either a partner or dispatch and it takes time to write everything down. I dont see the benefit realistically other than buffing PD to always have the car which in this small map already happens 90% of the time anyway, read it or leave it and don't add this.
1) I'd rather solo.
2) No way ur gonna see license plate mid chase
3) Maybe get someone to ANPR with speed camera
4) difficult when their car is a space shuttle and they disappear in seconds.
And as far as I know, all cop cars have ANPRS at least in the US. During a pursuit a cop car goes behind the fleeing vehicle and the ANPR measures speed and license plate..
1) I'd rather solo.
That seems like a choice that needs to have knock on effects. If you can do everything you can do with a partner as solo then there isn't any benefits to having a partner. Therefore this suggestion is made 'redundant' if you have a partner as they can do most of this. If you don't like working with other people then why are you TFU and in the PD? Having partners is part of working as a group and being a good team member and leader. Most of us PREFER working solo but its always better and usually more effective to work with a partner and this is one of those examples/
One of them (The ANPR TRAFFIC STOP) Can be very useful when tailing a suspect in a pursuit, if close enough, the incident will be created and plate and car information will be taken.
we need the anpr to be triggerable with the click of a button because stopping the car and clicking a button is bullshit
That seems like a choice that needs to have knock on effects. If you can do everything you can do with a partner as solo then there isn't any benefits to having a partner. Therefore this suggestion is made 'redundant' if you have a partner as they can do most of this. If you don't like working with other people then why are you TFU and in the PD? Having partners is part of working as a group and being a good team member and leader. Most of us PREFER working solo but its always better and usually more effective to work with a partner and this is one of those examples/
You said it yourself "Most of us PREFER working solo".
What does TFU have to do with any of this? I'm only speaking in regards to patrol.
we need the anpr to be triggerable with the click of a button because stopping the car and clicking a button is bullshit
That's the thing, a car won't stop if the suspect is fleeing won't it? Unless he crashes or runs out of fuel or get caught...
That's the thing, a car won't stop if the suspect is fleeing won't it? Unless he crashes or runs out of fuel or get caught...
yeah and you have to be right on there arse and looking at them to set off anpr
yeah and you have to be right on there arse and looking at them to set off anpr
Well if you are chasing them I'm pretty sure you are going to be looking at them, and at 1 point or another, they have to slow down which gives you a chance to hit the ANPR..

This was released not long ago but removed due to a bug, it will be back in the future
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