Single Player Game Reccomendations?

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Hey i'm taking a break from getting salty at people on online games, so i decided i'd play some singleplayer for a while, then go back to raging.

Any recommendations for single player games?
Fernbus is a nice game that was released today on steam. It's a simulator of intercity coach and it's pretty neat. If you like to relax and enjoy the view this game is for you.


A 4x game where you play as an empire, it is a really good strategic game, limiting you from micro managing absolutely everything in your empire, there's quite a lot of work put into it, and it's receiving constant updates. It's a game you will get quickly into, and learn fast. You will need more than one game before you get the grasp of it.

A 2d game with an enjoyable storyline, you could call it a terraria, with a spaceship you can travels to other planets/etc. with. It's rewarding and you'll feel satisfied with your accomplishments in it.


A game that takes you through a storyline of fighting off alien attackers, it goes through levels. You will have your primary & secondary weapon, along wit boosts and extras you can choose between as you unlock them. On said levels, you will be able to place down defences, walls & turrets, that you can walk over, but the enemy can't. Essentially a tower defense along with fps gameplay. Some enemies can destroy your defences.


A follow up from Sanctum, very enjoyable.

*All of these games should be something that keeps you calm throughout, they have been for me at least.

Fallout 4 (Great story with hundreds of hours of gameplay)


The Evil Within (One of the most immersive, tense and great games I've played in a while)


The Darkness 2 (Fun game, great gameplay and a compelling storyline)

Download some addons or make some stuff in single player its actually really fun. I usually download some cool maps and drive around on em. Its like PERP but you can have all the cars you want its just a bit lonely :(

Great game with infinite amounts of alternative routes, characters, and quirky dialogue to discover. (AKA it's not Fallout 4) If you're not used to older games it may be difficult at first but a simple walk through of the first location of the game can fix you up well.

Fun and also quirky game where you instead play as a dictator.

Like Fallout 2, serious but has neat little gags along the journey. Fun and interesting story of a slav in the criminal underworld.

More fun with co-op, the PC port has never been a problem for me but if it is, a simple mod can fix just about everything and add so much more to it. Like GTA but the ridiculousness is amplified significantly.
Here are some I really enjoyed playing

Kill helplessly little green Kerbals, or do something useful and build something dank like me, sandbox game so there really is no end to this unless you do career mode, also can be modded very heavily



Depends if you like games like these, has a "Touhou"/Bullet hell style to it. If you want to get feels, do the Genocide route lastly, Pacifist first

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Mankind Divided was also released some days ago so I'd suggest you play this first. Take thing slowly, take the tranquilizer rifle in the beginning, you'll love going stealthy in this game even though the stealth system sucks a bit in Human Revolution

Play Half-Life 1 in Hard mode like Tagg did (Warning, might frustrate you)
Half-Life 2 + EP1 and EP2
And lastly, I also enjoyed this.