Sirens Audio Modification

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Berlin, Germany
I have been wanting to make myself sirens sound like the ones from the GTA Series
Like the Ambulance from Vice City
Police from San Andreas
And Fire Truck from Vice City
I was wondering if anyone could kinda show me how to properly do these or if anyone is willing to take on the task :)

Audio Files:

Obviously this is seems like a pretty difficult task, I'm not sure what the Alt sirens would be, probably the ones on the GTA SA Sirens.

Thanks in advance <3
vice city has all the audio files in a folder ready to copy. just torrent the game if you don't have it.

san andreas:

1. Download SAAT to edit audio archives
2. Find the location of the sound you need using this guide
3. using SAAT, go there, i will use the sirens in this example.

GENRL/BANK_068/sound_011.wav AND
GENRL/BANK_068/sound_012.wav would be the sirens.

Hit export, click a nice location to store them.

4. Create a folder in gmod/addons, name it whatever. Create this folder structure:

PH's default sirens are polie_wail.wav, police_fast.wav; police_wobble.wav. You can rename sound 11 and 12 to any one you wish to replace of these.

This way you'll have the original (LOOPABLE!) file without needing to edit them yourself or to suffer from unwanted background noise in your self made loop.

add me on discord if you need any further help