Emergency driving for dummies

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It's a boring shift as a police officer, when all of the sudden a 911 call comes in about a shootout, awesome! But shit, it's on the other side of the map. You flick on your sirens and emergency lights and race like a headless chicken towards the scene, while crossing through the intersection a Bugatti Veyron is doing 120 and crashes into you, you are both dead.

This guide is intended to prevent situations like the one pictured above. A lot of people do not realize it, but emergency driving can be a major issue for some emergency workers in Paralake City. Hence why I wrote this guide to help them along, and prevent accidents.

I will describe situations and stages of an emergency response below, whilst also detailing what to do and what not to do.

Report and first response
The radio goes off, stating there is a shootout going on and you are dispatched to the scene. The first thing you want to do before turning on your sirens is checking for traffic around you, is there anyone you might spook by turning them on? If yes, turn on your lights first, wait 10 seconds to allow the driver to acknowledge that you are going to be turning on your siren and then turn on your siren, from this point you are a responding emergency vehicle which means that you are exempt from all traffic laws. This however does not mean that you can just go and speed to the scene, when picking up speed to start your response make absolutely sure that the vehicles around you know that you are responding through your optical and light signals.

Right of way
As an responding emergency vehicle you have right of way in all situations, however, a lot of people will not adhere to this, find ways to maneuver in a safe way around vehicles, make sure to use your alt horn or c horn to notify them that you are coming through. If a pedestrian fails to let you pass, repeatedly use your c horn for 5 tot 7 times, this will not only annoy the pedestrian, but will also let them know that if they do not get a move on that you will get out and arrest them for obstructing emergency services. (which is a felony)

When approaching an intersection, make sure to use your c horn repeatedly, also make sure to use your alt horn while crossing the intersection, try to switch back and forth in between alt and normal sirens to make your sound stand out. Try to roll through an intersection lane by lane, clearing one by one, to make sure that all road users can see you clearly when crossing the next lane.

When arrived on the scene, park your vehicle in the most obnoxious way in the middle of the road park your vehicle with your left or right two wheels on the sidewalk leave your other two wheels on the road, turn your steering wheel towards the road, and disengage the engine. You are now set to step out, and shoot some scrubs detain some criminals.

Good luck on the field, and I hope that I will not be seeing you in the back of an ambulance trying to explain to a supervisor why you thought it'd be a great idea to take the overpass with a Dodge Charger.
Just because its an emergency doesn't mean you shouldn't be following traffic laws somewhat. I will always still look left and right and sometimes (Depending on location) stop at a stop sign. I also always stop at the intersection and spam C to alert everyone I am there.
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