Sitting on toilets

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Topic: Being able to sit on toilets

Short explanation (in notes):
Able to sit on toilets

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

So we don't have to crouch when rping a shit.

Optional additions:
Flush sound when you press e on it every minute there is a timer
I like the idea as walking in on a crouching man who's meant to be on the toilet isn't the best thing in the world.

But I don't see it being added anytime soon as it won't be the highest priority. Still I would like to see this added some time soon. +support
5 guys running in with silenced berretas, you dont hear a (shit) until you were aiming for your newspaper while taking a (shit)
suddenly you see a shadow but when you look up everything turned black. See what i did there?


Note: It will probably be implemented differently ;)
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