Slug rounds

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: Add slug rounds for shotguns, (Fires 1 accurate bullet which can travel further)

Why should this be added? (pros): [Could be really cool to use and would be fun to use, also makes shotguns more useful

What negatives could this have? (cons): Waa waa i got killed by a shotgun from 3000 miles away'

*Other additions: Only add for some shotguns like double barrel, dont let a Spas12 have this could be cancer

*Images: N/A
What in call of duty cop main tar nation is this!??


it’s bad enough I can have a sniper shotgun on duty and as civ and the way it actually is already literally is enough.

shotguns are already useful and that’s why PD have them and they use them all the time, shotguns are kind of low end guns for people and they’re good enough right now.
Make slugs do half the damage a whole shotgun blast would do.

Or don't add slugs at all and just use rifles.

I propose the latter.
@Kempotent Is this actually something people want?
During the past year, all I have seen it "stop making everything so complex". Adding more ammo types could maybe get a bit too much?

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