This is a video project that's been a while in the works, starting back September, and finally ending today. A lot of ideas have been cut from the final product, and if you're looking for a story, you won't find any, or maybe you'll figure out the story of the behind the scenes, because goddamn, trying to organize and record all of this was a pain.
The main idea was to make a video somewhat resembling a mix of GTA trailers and Fast & Furious, so I hope that I hit the mark.
Anyhow, from this point forward, I'll be sticking to just creating shenanigans videos like I used to, if anything.
Other than that, thank you to everyone involved, especially to @Tyla Jai and @Efan for their willingness to assist, and provide me with anything necessary. Thank you to everyone that showed up to help in the recordings, and thank you to everyone that gave me feedback during the production of the video.
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