The beginner's guide to perpheads
So there you are. You've spawned in for the first time. You've selected your gender and your name. Maybe you've even met a couple of people already. This guide is meant for those of you who have just joined and are clueless on what to do now. So let's begin!
Getting adjusted to the server
When you first joined, you were presented with a screen that prompted you to read the rules. You may have read the rules, and you may not have. IF you haven't read the rules yet, please take 10-15 minutes out of your day and read them. Even if you already have read them once, it will be a good idea to read them again. The rules can be found by pressing F1 ingame.
There are different types of chat ingame.
Local chat = Chat that everyone in a close proximity to you can see - Just press Y to automatically type locally.
Whisper = Chat that only people right next to you can see - Open the chat box and type /w followed by your message.
Yell = Chat that everyone in a large proximity from you can hear - Open the chat and type /y followed by your message.
Local OOC = OOC chat that everyone in a close proximity to you can see - Press U to start typing in local OOC.
OOC = OOC chat that everyone on the server can see - Open the chat box and type // followed by your message.
Advert = Advertisement chat for IG purposes - Open the chat box and type /advert followed by your messaged. Each advert costs 200 dollars.
Help = Used for asking questions regarding anything on the server - Open the chat box and type /help followed by your message.
Report = Chat that only moderators+ can see. Used for getting in contact with a staff member - Open the chat box and type /report followed by your message.
Organization = A chat that everyone in your organization can see - Open the chat box and type /org followed by your message.
Radio = A chat that only people in the job as an emergency employee can see - Open the chat box and type /radio followed by your message.
Roadcrew = A chat used for getting in contact with the Roadcrew services - Open the chat box and type /rc followed by your message.
The F1 menu contains all of the information you need to know to play on the server. It also contains other things like the genetics and the crafting menu. Another menu that you are going to need to know about is it Q menu. If you hold down Q, you can see the inventory wheel will pop up. This is where all the items that you carry on you will be held. To use an items in the menu, simply left click on it. To drop an item, just right click on it. Simple as ever.
Okay, so now you've read the rules(hopefully) and have somewhat understood them, now we need to make sure you know where you are. You are standing in the middle of a little city called "Paralake". What you most likely are standing in, is the City Hall. This is where you will be spawning every time you join the server.
Paralake is not the biggest city, but it is large, but don't even sweat it! Some of the dedicated members of this community have made maps and videos for you to better understand the city.

So hopefully you have now learnt the basics of paralake city.
Getting started
So now that you have a basic understanding of the city and what you can and cannot do ingame, it's time to focus on how to get started. The first thing that you probably are going to wanna do is walk around the city and just explore for a bit. Since you still don't have a car, you are limited to a few means of transport; Taxi, Monorail, Foot, getting someone to drive you. The most reliable means of transport would be the monorail, since it always arrives and can take you to any of the three city districts.
So where do you go now? Well, the first thing that you are probably going to need is a cellphone. I mean, could you live without yours in real life? The cellphone is extremely practical for many things. You can call, text, call/text 911, order, play games, and a lot more. So where you do find this amazing piece of equipment?! The phone can be bough in the Ragnatech store located in the business district. Once you have your phone, just press Z to open it up. In order to get your mouse into the game again, you have to press Z again. To close the phone, just press the button in the middle of the phone.
So now you've got a phone, what more do you need? Well, you are gonna need something to keep you running, food. Food can be bought in various different stores around the city, but the best place to get food would be at one of Fredy's bakeries located in the main city and the suburban district. It doesn't matter which kind of food you choose, some like chinese, and others like a good ol' hotdog. It's up to you!
Another thing that you are gonna want to do is choose your genetics. These choices will impact your roleplaying experience, by making you better at something, but less better at something else. To choose your genetics, press F1 and go to 'genetics'. Here you will see some progression bars, and a plus sign next to them. The effects of these genetics vary from being able to craft more complex things, to regenerating health. But you don't have unlimited of these genetics, so choose wisely! If you don't know what to choose yet, just wait until you need it. If you have chosen the wrong genes, or want some more, you can always go to the hospital, and talk to the NPC's there.
It is very likely that you are gonna need a firearm at some point in time. Firearms are very useful, whether you just need to protect yourself, or you want to cause harm to another person. There are two main ways of getting a hold of a gun in paralake. You can either craft the gun, which is a bit difficult if you are completely new, or you can buy a gun from one of the player owned shops in the business district.
Making money
There are various different ways to make money in paralake, but the thing that differs them from each other is legal/illegal money making.
If you want to go the legal way first, which is recommended as the illegal way can be somewhat tricky, you are gonna need to find a job. There are plenty of different places around the city where you can get a job. If you wish to be a police officer, you can go to the police department located opposite the city hall. If you wish to be a fireman, you can go to the fire station located next to the slums apartments. And if you just wish to deliver packages, you can go to the courier station at the docks! These and many more jobs are available to you, and are a quick and easy way of making some money. Some jobs do require you to pass an exam. This will make sure that you are trained and know what to do on the job(Pssst, it will also help make sure you don't get banned!). If you are struggling with the exam, ask someone for help, or re-read the rules again!
If you do choose the illegal way of making money, you will be in for a bigger payout, but a much larger risk. The only illegal way of making money as of right now, is; Mugging, Raiding, and growing.
Mugging is usually just about getting a hold of a weapon, and then waiting for someone to show up, and then mug them. But be careful! Don't mug someone in a public setting, don't mug the same person again within 60 minutes, and don't mug more than 3 times in a 60 minute period(rule 5.1 - Mugging)!
Raiding is pretty similar to mugging, in the sense that you must get a hold of a weapon. Once you do have a weapon, you can either try to lure someone to open the door of their property, or you can get bobby pins or a crowbar, to break open the door. Once you have broken the door open, you may find that people are waiting inside with guns, so bring a good portion of ammo. Once you have either taken down the people inside, or tied them up, you can start taking all of their valuables, and also see if they are hiding some illegal stuff inside, which you can then harvest and sell. But be careful, the cops may be called by someone hearing shots!
The last way of making illegal money is by growing. Growing is the most common way for people to make a good amount of money, but it does come with a risk! You can grow three types of narcotics. Cannabis, Cocaine and shrooms. Before you can grow these substances, you need a couple of things. You are gonna need the seeds, and something to grow them in. The seeds can be bought from the drug dealer, but you have to find him first! He has some well known spots around paralake, but he changes location every 4 hours. If you can't find him, try asking someone on the street, but make sure the cops don't hear you! Once you do manage to get the seeds, you are still going to need something to grow them in. If you have shrooms, all you need is a property, or somewhere discrete with soil around. Shrooms will only grow in soil. If you are planning on making cannabis or cocaine, the process is slightly more complex. You are going to need some gardening pots to grow these things in. Pots can be bough in the uncle cos shop, located in the middle of the main district. As a normal player, you can grow 10 small pots at once, or 2 large pots. Small pots are what you buy in the shop, and large pots are pots that you craft yourself out of small pots and glue. But you need to be a certain level in crafting to make large pots, but i'm gonna teach you how to reach that level in a bit. Once you got your pots and your seeds, all you need to do is press F1 and go to the 'mixtures' tab. There you will find another tab called 'drugs', and in there you can choose what you want to make. Just press on the pot that you want to make. This will take you into the crafting process, which basically just consists of you having to press the green icon, and not the red one. Once you are done making them, you can place them somewhere discrete, so the cops wont find them! But be careful, people will try to raid you if they think you are growing drugs, so it's always good to have a firearm.
The last way there is of making money, is to sell items that you craft. You can buy a shop in the bank, and there you can sell anything that you craft, as long as it isn't illegal. Crafting is pretty simple when you get the hang of it, and can bring some good money. The best thing to craft is weapons, since people have no other places to buy them, and therefor will have to either craft them themselves, or buy them from your shop. In order to craft a weapon, you are going to need materials. To see what you need, press F1 go to the 'mixtures' tab, and press on any of the tabs. The one that you are most likely gonna want to start out with is the Melee weapons tab. This is where you can craft baseball bats, which are going to be crafting a lot of. The icon will most likely be grayed out with a red tint, meaning that you either aren't enough level to craft it, or you don't have the materials for it. Underneath the item you can see what materials you need to craft it. Keep in mind that 'heat source' is a stove. All the materials you need to craft, can be bought from the static shops located around the city. If you need help finding a specific material, ask someone on the street, or use /help. Once you have the required materials, you can start crafting. You are going to want to start out with baseball bats, as this is the item with the lowest firearms level required. Continue crafting these until you are high enough level to craft more complex weapons, then craft those to further increase your level. The max level is 100. Once you have crafted something that you would like to sell, you can buy a cash register from uncle cos. Place the cash register down inside of your shop by clicking on it in the Q menu. Now drop your weapon inside your shop, and a little menu should appear, which allows you to choose the price and name of the product. Now people can just walk over to your weapon and press E on it to buy it, smart right?!
Final notes
I hope that you will enjoy playing on this server, and that this guide has been helpful. If you need further help, please don't hesitate to use the /help chat, to ask the entire server.
This guide may be subject to change.
Kind regards - Esteban
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