Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/cigarettes.21408/
Main Idea:
Cigarettes hanging out of your mouth w/ a trail of smoke coming out when you walk around.
Full description of the idea:
Basically, as the title suggests, when you smoke a cigarette it isn't as if you're eating it as fast as a burger from Fredy's Bakery, it actually stays in your mouth for a while (Possibly around 5 mins?) until it dies out and disappears, which is where you can start smoking another one.
Also, right now, not many people smoke IG. I think this would make smoking more popular, as you'd look "cooler" when you smoke a ciggie.
Also, before people start saying "umg it'll cause lag"- It won't if it's done right. And I trust the owners to do it right if they decide to add this.
Why should it be added?: It's a more realistic, cooler-looking way of smoking ciggies instead of literally just eating them then and there and then breathing smoke out.
Pros: May enhance RP
Look "cool"
It doesn't look like you eat the cigarette then spit out smoke
Cons: Might be a waste of time
*Other additions: Adding cigars and/or weed blunts
Main Idea:
Cigarettes hanging out of your mouth w/ a trail of smoke coming out when you walk around.
Full description of the idea:
Basically, as the title suggests, when you smoke a cigarette it isn't as if you're eating it as fast as a burger from Fredy's Bakery, it actually stays in your mouth for a while (Possibly around 5 mins?) until it dies out and disappears, which is where you can start smoking another one.
Also, right now, not many people smoke IG. I think this would make smoking more popular, as you'd look "cooler" when you smoke a ciggie.
Also, before people start saying "umg it'll cause lag"- It won't if it's done right. And I trust the owners to do it right if they decide to add this.
Why should it be added?: It's a more realistic, cooler-looking way of smoking ciggies instead of literally just eating them then and there and then breathing smoke out.
Pros: May enhance RP
Look "cool"
It doesn't look like you eat the cigarette then spit out smoke
Cons: Might be a waste of time
*Other additions: Adding cigars and/or weed blunts