Smoke Inhalation damage

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Main Idea: Players get damage from smoke inhalation when next to a fire

Full description of the idea:
Basically make it so when there's a fire it automatically damages players in a certain radius to it, simulating smoke inhalation. Also makes your vision blurry to simulate smoke getting in your eyes. When inhaling smoke players will receive large amounts of damage, will cough and their vision would be blurry, just like what happens in real life. Firefighters would be exempt from this as they wear gas masks and oxygen tanks.

EDIT:Make stamina regenerate slower while in smoke, Make water bottles reduce effect of it, e.g lower the amount of blur simulating cleaning your eyes with water

Why should it be added?: It's easy to code (firefighter models already have gas masks and we already have meth smoke affecting you so it's very easy to do), it will also stop people from standing around next to a fire/being in a building that's on fire and encouraging them to evacuate

-Relatively easy to code
-Stops players from staying in a burning building, instead urging them to evacuate just like irl
-Less aids for police and firefighters when dealing with a fire

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I think this would be a great addition.
One thing it certainly would do is enhance role play situations whenever a fire has broken out as for obvious reasons people would evacuate. The radius would be the only issue determining how far the smoke would spread from the fire may be based around how big the fire could be. Hopefully this suggestion is taken seriously into consideration.
I think that this is a great idea, as it also gives people incentive to call 911. I often see that whenever there's a fire people just laught at it and use their fire extinguishers (often getting themselves killed in the process by underestimating the difficulty of actually putting it out), this would make it so there's a chance of a nasty, smokey and fire-y death. Could also make for some interesting roleplay situations while also giving the paramedics more use. (maybe have it slow down stamina re-generation as it would impair your ability to breath properly with smoke particles in your lungs? and a medic would need to heal you for it to fully re-generate)
Tfw afk in top floor in projext
Tfw some moron is crafting in one of the apartments below you and the stove explodes
Tfw smoke glitches through floor and kills everyone inside.

good idea in theory but i dont think it will work in practice
Just make sure it doesn't affect anyone in noclip or you'll have bodies flying out the sky.
(often getting themselves killed in the process by underestimating the difficulty of actually putting it out)
The only time this happends is when its 1 person and the fire is going on for more than 1 min, if its a stove fire and they use fire extinguishers instantly, there is no problem.

However, slightly good idea, but the smoke might glitch through floors like meth does.
To be fair, people would rather burn than let their drugs go unattended possibly leaving it until they are trapped before they leave, with the added possibility of the fire department breaking in to their apartment to stop any fire which may be inside deterring the owners from leaving their 23k to be found.
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