So sorry...

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Well, I don't usually make these, but today I sort of fucked up.

So sorry @Chrissy @Creepis

I do realize that It was extremely immature of me to get so salty because of some valid RP. I just didn't expect it to happen... Long story short, I'm having a bad time currently. I'm forced to move school, in the middle of a school year. I'm under a really high pressure since I've been told to choose a school, within one week of me knowing I had to switch. I'm going visiting a possible new school tomorrow, and whenever I think about it, it just hits me that I have to leave my entire class behind. I came on today because I wanted to relief some stress off all the things going on, and what happened with @Chrissy & @Creepis just pushed me past my breaking point.

So sorry for acting so immature, but now you know why I reacted like that, not that it justifies it.
Didn't hold any grudge against you anyways (never did), it's just Chrissy that decided to gift me the SR-25 you had on you for some reason. To make it better I will refund you the SR-25 in a way I still have to think about, I'll be creative.

Have a good one.