Some form of quantity/scroll bar for storage items.

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Hung Chow residence.
Topic: A scroll bar or quantity selector.

Short explanation (in notes):
- In your storage, instead of having to click you can enter a quantity of how much you want.
- Or a scroll bar.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Certain items such as drugs can take a hell of a long time to get out of storage, and even more so now that V2 storage isn't as good as it used to be. I believe this would make the game much easier.

Optional additions:
Yeah, this would be nice. While we're at it, it would also be nice to quickly be able to get a whole stack of a certain item out of the storage.
This is a great suggestion, which I'm sure most people on the server have damned theselves over a couple of times. It is quite annoying when getting those 500 drugs at a time out of the storage, having to left-click a hundred times. Whilst doing this you are left very voulnerable.

+ Support
+support - this is something we definitely need. Having to right click 100 times, 2 times a second to take 500 drugs takes over 3 minutes. If it would be too complicated to code a quantity bar, here's an alternative idea - right-clicking on finished drugs (not seeds) takes 20 of them.
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