Something I wanted to tell you guys.

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
So today I had a feeling that I should apologise about my bad behaviour on the forums/server. I have been arguing on OOC chat and got myself banned from the shoutbox. I never wanted to be a dickhead to anyone. I am sorry :trande:
We've all been there! Even me as a staff member. People take offence to things somethings others find acceptable. A few weeks ago I did something and said something too very inappropriate. Just message who you offended and I'm sure they will accept your apology. Come and speak to us in teamspeak aswell and I'm sure we can strike a deal to get you unbanned from the banterbox.
I think we can all be like this, it's only human, I can sometimes come across as a bit of a dick at times due to either my extreme views on certain issues, my anger issues during some situations and my dependency to use the holy CAPS LOCK yo express this anger.

I don't feel you need to apologise tbh
Fak out of here dikhed noone likes u :kappa:
Point is just dont care about it. Just get away from that talk. So what people are gonna call you a pussy for going away from the talk/discussion/insults, call the an idiot for continuing it.
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