What do you guys think of me?

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United Kingdom
Well guys i have just returned back from a 2 month ban about 4 days ago, already got a warning but i am trying my best to improve.
I just wanted the communities oppinion of me and how i can improve, thanks for reading and i hope to get some replies soon.
I've been in the community for about a year and i've been in the Paralake Police Department for 8 months.
I used to be known as BlueGamer200 and i know i used to be a real cunt but i am slowly improving.
These threads are pointless and stupid. You'll hear one of three things in reply:
1: What people think you want to hear.
2: People pointing out the pointlessness of this thread :cbird:
3: Different criticisms from different people, most of which are either inexplainable, or point out issues they have with most people, etc.

What I'm trying to say is, these threads suck.
i think you are a proper slut, but you are my slut and you are doing good. (dont worry Henry doesnt care i called him this, i already asked him). you are doing better, and i think being part of the PLPD has helped you, you are also a ver good officer. keep it up.