sorry man!

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: My boi Kenty (Kenty)
How long were you banned for: Perma

Your Steam Name: JesusBoi (PersonMan)
Your In-game Name:Jennifer Labosa
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171176292

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans)
Why should this appeal be considered: I just wanna say That im sorry for what I said to you and hopefully we can both respect each other as individuals! Maybe we can work together in our own orgs and chill out. Hope I can Hear from you!
P.S What I said to you was in a former phase as a teenager of edginess and have stopped acting that way and more mature senses.

Additional Comment(s): maybe I can prove it to you how I have changed
What I said to you was in a former phase as a teenager of edginess and have stopped acting that way and more mature senses.
Swear u said this before, how many phases u going thru?

no apology to me or anyone else u insulted. Its a no from me
well man, it's life we all go through phases
nothing we can really stop. I miss PERP bad I though i could take a break but it is WAY to addicting and fun
User stalled a situation where it came to getting guns out of his trunk which he took and stored from a raid, user stalled the situation for over 5 minutes and this ended up in his death, user was disrespectful over the situation in OOC to Staff and to other users and slandered myself multiple times. [Long ban due to his poor record and this being a common thing with him]. Also causing a lot of issues on the forums. [Further issues on forums and telling me to basically die.]
Sry didn't put that in (but Kenty is now mark? im confused
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