Sorry Standish

What? Is this like a mix of org post and a video? Oh yeh I walked in later to find you all dead. I think you must of accidentally cut that out.
Sorry to hear that, I have no idea who you or your friends are so I guess you haven't made a big impact on anyone.

Good luck in the future tho :kitty:

----------- Edit

It was only like 3 of the standish members there, cause they were bored. The rest were friendly fire from your part.

Whats your org name so I can put you on the list, cause honestly, I have no idea who you are.

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Did you really need to make a whole thread in General Discussion about this, I'm almost 100% sure the majority of the community really don't care...
Unfortunately due to lack of storage space on members' computers standish have had to stop recording and uploading every time they killed you, nor did they see it as an uncommon event enough to want to post it around as a feat.. xX (My point is a video attempting to boast about your '10v3' wasn't really necessary and I don't believe Standish members particularly liked your lot anyway)
The one and only reece arnolds everybody he fucking did it lads he won a raid!

Lets not try and get revenge on him cause if he's pissed we are all fucked.

Hello Mr. Don't piss me off,

I am writing you today just to tell you that Standish couldn't give a crap about you going neutral with them, just because you can hold off a wave of cops with pistols doesn't mean you're a big thing, therefore Standish couldn't give a shit and neither do we. Therefore, this thread is useless.
Love the part when I walk in looking for Linda and get shot at when unarmed by our lovely knight George, and he says another down :kappa:
Sick video, don't really see what's special about you running abouts in the base asking your mates questions that give them and their position away. Good luck to you against Standish mate, you are such a pain in the butt to everyone including your mates aswell.
Before, he drags me down with him, i would like to say a couple of words, i was there to talk to George Knight and then i hear people outside and next thing you know we got bombed; i did not in anyway shape or form want to be involved with this but obviously i do not want to be kidnapped,mugged, shot. I understand i will get hate off your org and i don't care. I don't see why you are posting this Reece, We killed 6 of there members, nothing to bloat about. You're just getting yourself in shit and are taking me, Jonothan and George down with you.
PERP Diplomacy at its best.

By the way Shaun I do not accept people who have very bad reps with other orgs so consider your app denied. Standish could have just naded you instead, You have no idea what you just started so good luck.

"Expect the unexpected so you are prepared for the worst"
Good luck. @Standish you don't need to waste your time trying to defeat these lads. I'll just defeat them while I'm org less. I got 99% chance of winning :kappa:. But seriously it will be easy, I can do it for you guys if you want me to.
It just looks like your mocking Standish because you really didn't need to post this.

You are just trying to make them look bad, so what if they lost I'm sure they would come back eventually.

And I just feel your posting this because you are upset that you didn't get into Standish there is no need.
Nice one Reece, where's the part where you killed someone? ...

And why so full of yourself? I mean, you're the only hated person in this community and this shit talk makes it much worse.

Im making this post today to let the org know they will no longer receive our help, and vise versa, previous events have made us think differently about the org, and i believe this will be for the better.

WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU EVER HELPED THEM? "I believe it will be for the better"

After posting like 5 videos of Standish helping your asses out in raids, its "For the better"

Right Reece, Right.
Thank you alot honestly, I really wanted to see you sitting behind a Police Barricade for like 5 minutes, I though there were going to be some hardcore music, and some great kills, some great combat, but nope... I was looking at a Police Barricade for 5 minutes, Thank You for wasting my time! :)
If you actually killed someone, then you can post this, but it was all me and George. All you are trying to do was bloat, not trying to show off anything good. Stop wasting your our time Reece and embarrassing yourself.
Wow, you're so cool, sitting behind that police barricade and waiting for your friends to kill everyone, I honestly didn't see you killing anyone in this video, so don't act like a badass Reece, because you're not a badass.