Server Suggestion SS agents get the equipable Police baseball cap

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Suggestion Title: SS agents get the Police baseball cap
Suggestion Description: This idea is either to:
- Automatically equip the PLPD baseball cap upon SS drawing a weapon.
- Add the PLPD baseball cap to the SS’s inventory as an equipable item.

When secret service agents deploy a weapon, such as a baton, firearm or taser, they should wear the “Police cap” (The baseball cap similar to the TFU one, but says “PLPD” on it). This should automatically place on their head upon drawing a weapon and disappear afterwards.

This is due to SS agents wearing clothing that civilians have access to, it’s difficult at times from a distance for officers to be able to fully confirm that they are SS agents, especially becoming an issue if police don’t know an SS agent is under attack or an SS agent is pursuing an armed suspect. Black suits and sunglasses are common clothing setups.

The baseball cap exists as an item that can be equipped or removed via the inventory in the same way the High vis jacket is.

Alternatively, grant SS agents the ability to equip the PLPD baseball cap at their own free will (preferable option probably)

Why should this be added?:
- PLPD baseball cap sees use.
- Less excuse for newer players to shoot down SS agents.
- Easier for officers to spot SS in high intensity shootouts.

What negatives could this have?:
- Hat will appear and disappear I guess if it’s automatic without an animation (non-issue)

lol like this?

yeah seems like a good idea, though I feel like it should only be when drawing a firearm as a baton and taser are fairly innocuous and bear less of a chance of being shot by friendly fire than a firearm
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Suggestion Title: SS agents get the Police baseball cap
Suggestion Description: This idea is either to:
- Automatically equip the PLPD baseball cap upon SS drawing a weapon.
- Add the PLPD baseball cap to the SS’s inventory as an equipable item.

When secret service agents deploy a weapon, such as a baton, firearm or taser, they should wear the “Police cap” (The baseball cap similar to the TFU one, but says “PLPD” on it). This should automatically place on their head upon drawing a weapon and disappear afterwards.

This is due to SS agents wearing clothing that civilians have access to, it’s difficult at times from a distance for officers to be able to fully confirm that they are SS agents, especially becoming an issue if police don’t know an SS agent is under attack or an SS agent is pursuing an armed suspect. Black suits and sunglasses are common clothing setups.

The baseball cap exists as an item that can be equipped or removed via the inventory in the same way the High vis jacket is.

Alternatively, grant SS agents the ability to equip the PLPD baseball cap at their own free will (preferable option probably)

Why should this be added?:
- PLPD baseball cap sees use.
- Less excuse for newer players to shoot down SS agents.
- Easier for officers to spot SS in high intensity shootouts.

What negatives could this have?:
- Hat will appear and disappear I guess if it’s automatic without an animation (non-issue)
+ Support. too many friendly fire kills.

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