Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

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Suggestion Title: Secret Service Progression.
Suggestion Description: Adding Progression to the Secret Service role, Allowing players who both enjoy the secret service job and take the job seriously a reward to work towards.

As a serious Roleplaying server, players are supposed to immerse themselves in their commitment to building and maintaining a character. Allowing players who have a strong interest in playing as a certain role to gain access to better permissions and tools within said role has proven amazing in gaining and fostering interest in roles such as Fireman, Courier and Taxi driver, who were virtually untouched jobs prior to their updates. Secret Service agents would benefit from such an addition, not so much in fostering interest in the role, but encouraging players to regularly play the role, and give them a new calling in their roleplay experience and where they choose to invest their time. Once again players will have something else to work on, and another grind is fun for players, without actually taking away anything from SS agents and forcing people to work to earn things they used to get given back to them.

For years, when I first joined the server, I primarily joined it because my brother showed me the secret service role. I had a good bit of fun as Secret Service but there was just nothing more to it than following the mayor and making sure no one kills them. Secret Service absolutely should have an expansion to the role.

This suggestion is NOT:
- To whitelist the secret service. All players should by default have access to the basic Secret Service Job.
- To make keeping or holding the secret service role itself come with any additional responsibility. Secret Service are already bound by PD policy and rules enough.

Just some important notes on how I think this should work:
- Upon passing the in game test, everyone will have access to the Secret Service job as the first base rank.

Don’t downvote the suggestion if you agree with secret service progression but disagree with how the suggestion suggests this should be done by the way, because if you want secret service progression, downvoting the suggestion demonstrates that you wouldn’t want Secret Service Progression entirely.

Proposed Benefits of the following SS ranks:

Secret Service agent:
- Access to the Limousine and Escalade.
- Access to the Glock 18C, USP40 and P226.
- Access to all current permissions SS agents have.

Secret Service Senior Agent:
- Access to the P99 and M1911.
- Access to the Range Rover 12.
- Able to be assigned to Incidents, so they may communicate with officers via incident radio if need be.
- Has a ticket book.
- Will have a life alert by default.

Acquired via PLPD.online automatic multi choice.

Secret Service Sergeant:
- 1 (and only 1) Secret Service Sergeant should have access to choosing between carrying an MP7 or MP9:
- Only 1 agent should be able to carry a primary at any given time.
- The only available attachments should be 1 stock and the 20 round magazine. They should only have access to 2+1 spare magazines.
- Access the the HK45CT and Glock 20 sidearms.
- Alongside the mayor, will have the ability to demote secret service agents.
- Additional vehicles could be added (any suggestions fellas?) I would propose the Mercedes E63 AMG.
- They have 35 armour instead of the current 20.
- The ability to join the job before an election is called.

Same as before however manually marked. A team might not be necessary to assemble, as OS trainers like patrol or traffic could take up on marking these. Should be SO+ only.

Differentiating Agent ranks:
Agents rank should be displayed on their Police cap. Maybe a rank badge could be applied to the sides of the hat?

Why should this be added?:
- Secret Service is the only job without any sort of progression beyond Mayor (which doesn’t need it).
- Sensible buffs to Secret Service agents, to a degree where it ceases being too overpowered, but not as Underpowered as secret service currently is. Furthermore, it’s a rewarded buff, and would only apply to individuals who want to progress and can pass a test.
- The Progression would be offered through vetting, the same governing body overseeing Police Progression would play most of the role here in overseeing who gets the ranks, thus meaning permissions abuse would be virtually nonexistent.
- Doesn’t fully PD-ify the Secret Service role as the base role we all know and love today is still accessible by Default.
- Having enforced subordination in secret service would benefit the operations of secret service entirely, rather than the guy with the highest PD rank taking lead, The guy who proves they’re better at secret service would instead be taking lead.

What negatives could this have?:
- Secret service buffed to a degree.
- Possibility of having to assemble a new team.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Progression to Secret Service making the role more enjoyable, committable, and rewarding to players. More to work for and focus on in the community, plenty of players (Like Allen) Enjoy the Secret Service role and take it very seriously, and giving players who feel this way a new niche hyperfixation to focus on and roleplay within in more detail is a very fitting and perfect addition to a Serious Roleplay server.
Mac 11 and UZI have insanely high capacities and aren’t really the most concealable options, which is why I intentionally omitted them. MP7, MP9 and MP5K, all being concealable 20 round magazine equipped Sub machine guns with a more modern theme than the UZI or Mac.
I think the uzi would definitely be good as that's a common SS weapon (irl) and It's quite balanced but that would be good

After speaking with other members of the development team we do not feel as though adding complexities to SS is the route we want to go
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