Storage glitch

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Your in-game name: Johnny Nose
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40596784
Reason: My storage glitched after the server restart tonight and i lost 2 full m4's, 1 full m82 and 1 full m24. I just realized i also lost a frag and 1 full deagle mag.. I dont know yet if i also lost a G3A3
Evidence: This was before the server restart because someone told me you could lose items in storage.. This was made after the server restart.. The reason i made these screenshots was for safety. Reminder: These screenshots where made today...

(If this isnt sufficient evidence ill try to get a demo proving it even more) i also have friends that know i had bought 2 m4's and i have 1 m82 and 1 m24. (Ran Luka, Fredy Newman, Eddie Grey)
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Everything that got stored yesterday and more then 2 disapeard for people. Im starting to work on a refund request aswell. Btw, advice for the staff, when releasing an update, close the server for a week or so, to test all the bugs, instead of working so hard on refund requests and other stuff that happend.
Btw, advice for the staff, when releasing an update, close the server for a week or so, to test all the bugs, instead of working so hard on refund requests and other stuff that happend.

Advice for ignorant people who think we don't try to sort out issues beforehand, do your research first.

Additionally we can't test how the server may react with 60 people unless we launch fully as we don't have a giant team of testers like a professional company would, we have to test by trying occasionally. Also we made some heavy modifications to how the code was organized so we fully expected some complications, and if you noticed we tried to patch all the critical ones as soon as possible. While we apologize for the inconvenience we have no feasible way to check every possible thing that goes on in the server at any given moment. So to you it may appear like a very basic thing, it isn't at all to us with how much there is to manage and keep track of what all we may do by the time we get around to testing it again.

And if we take the server offline for a week, that aids no one as we then would lose a ton of rankings in terms of GMod servers so after it comes back online we will not have nearly the same number of people joining. We rely on a steady flow of new and old members to keep our server always feeling new and refreshing than monotonous and boring.

Anyways, not to rant too much, but this suggestion is pointless as we do try to test what all we can, there are certain things that may be omitted while testing. However once known that there is a problem we will work to resolve it.
Well from my point of view this server is doing well + 60 people with up to 25 props , guns , cars houses, its not a piece of a cake to hold and for the poeple that think dev's are not doing anything, you should read all the logs since 2013, perp changed 2000 % and all of the major glitches were fixed so i suggest you being patient till its being fixed
Please contact a senior admin or higher next time you're in-game for your refund

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