I can now be a streamlabs affiliate, and I'm already a stream affiliate on twitch so no more N-words ok 
but they gave me a chance to have a URL link, this link gives me a % of money (like 60p or smt lmao) and a % of it goes to a charity that streamlabs match.
so if u want to support me and help charities just install streamlabs with the link down below and if u dont want to stream just uninstall it after (but I suggest you try streaming as its fun and gets some money on the side)
Download through this link https://streamlabs.com/slobs/d/7463061
(the charities streamlabs are giving m0ney to https://gyazo.com/5b11a6e039dc1cbc0120080280f99dc1)
and check out my twitch for gr8 meme -
i give you full permission to screenshot my face on the stream to make fun of me thanks b0$$ (like mango https://gyazo.com/1591fe1591216cc43e457cf70af65598)
love you (cateyeseomiji)

but they gave me a chance to have a URL link, this link gives me a % of money (like 60p or smt lmao) and a % of it goes to a charity that streamlabs match.
so if u want to support me and help charities just install streamlabs with the link down below and if u dont want to stream just uninstall it after (but I suggest you try streaming as its fun and gets some money on the side)
Download through this link https://streamlabs.com/slobs/d/7463061
(the charities streamlabs are giving m0ney to https://gyazo.com/5b11a6e039dc1cbc0120080280f99dc1)
and check out my twitch for gr8 meme -
i give you full permission to screenshot my face on the stream to make fun of me thanks b0$$ (like mango https://gyazo.com/1591fe1591216cc43e457cf70af65598)
love you (cateyeseomiji)