[Suggestion] 4.4 Road Crew Workers

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

4.4 Road Crew Workers

Your version of the rule:

Allow roadcrew workers to patrol around the city as if they find an illegal parked vehicle they may park next to it (in a safe location) and contact an officer to give them a permission to tow/repair it and if they find a collision or a broken vehicle and they see no officer on scene they may use their cones to block the street for safety and contact the police department for a permission to tow/repair the vehicle.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

as right now being a roadcrew you're not allowed to patrol around and you can only leave your station when you get called out which is kinda boring.

i believe it benefits new players as they can patrol around the map and know the map better also learn the street names by patroling around, as they get a free tow truck to drive around.

also going on duty as roadcrew you don't get noticed and by that i mean when you go on duty and remain in your station you're not noticed by people and they assume there's no roadcrew, but when you patrol around the city and they see you they may stop you and ask you to repair their vehicle which is more money and more fun to the job

the only con i find in this is that people can abuse it by towing illegal parked vehicles without an officer's permission which is against the rules and if they get caught they'll get punished so i don't think it's a big of a deal.
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as right now being a roadcrew you're not allowed to patrol around and you can only leave your station when you get called out which is kinda boring.
I agree, maybe make the rule similar to the EMS rule, where you cannot patrol, but you must remain in populated areas that are governmental, such as Firestation, Hospital, PD, etc. I don't know why they aren't allowed to patrol?!?

the only con i find in this is that people can abuse it by towing illegal parked vehicles without an officer's permission which is against the rules and if they get caught they'll get punished so i don't think it's a big of a deal.
Maybe this can fall under 2.5 or the roadcrew rule itself?

Overall, I like and agree with the suggestion!
yep i agree at least give them any place to patrol around maybe just in the city but if they'll allow that i think its better just let them patrol anyway, it's more fun and more action to both PD and RC and as in the con yeah it should still fall under rule 4.4
As a serious roadcrew roleplayer I'd have to agree, I can't even sit in bazaar and chat with folk without some staff member telling me to go back to the station
The main problem to Roadcrew is the amount of minges.

People speed, people tow cars randomly and if you don't need officers permission, they will tow every car that is just the smallest distance on the line, boot them or anything.

Sadly this rules was put in place to prevent further abuse of the minges and we have to regularly warn people for it as they are breaking it constantly.

I have nothing against them patrolling the city but the amount of shootouts they get into, the amount of cars they will tow illegally is just too big for me, I guess we might want to make certain stops for them like the garage shop in bazaar or maybe the parking lot at suburbs but other than that, a sad no from me, if people were more serious about this job I would gladly join in on a yes.
i see your point and i agree with you but some people actually enjoy going roadcrew and doing the job right so i don't think blaming everyone for a few minges and i believe people minge because honestly it's kinda boring being roadcrew right now and mostly because of the bugged truck we have right now
Paramedics are already allowed to stay in the PD parking lot, fire department, other sensible non-crowded areas to and wait to be called out.
yeah but im talking about RC, paramedics are allowed to patrol in the first responder so i think rc should be able to patrol too
The amount of them is just too big, it is not just a few, also you have free access to /advert so you can make use of that adverting your own place as RC
@CaughtRed I usually use tab or look at adverts and see if there are RC on, not seeing if I see a car drive by. Adverts work extremely well as they pop up a different color on your screen
unfortunatley these rules stop rc from roleplaying as well apparently. Me and @Mina couldn't even making RTC roleplay without being demoted from our jobs.
Some people dont wanna wait for RCs to get to their location or even forget there vehicles need repairs. Much easier if they seen an RC truck and got them to do it on the spot instead of waiting 10 minutes for someone to come fix your car you will most likely crash.
Also people wonder why there are rarely RC drivers on that don't minge. Its mostly because all they do is sit in a car at a station for a hour until someone calls you out. Its not a very fun job to be so this suggestion will most likely allow people to go around and find cars that need towed that officers are too lazy to report it or havent seen the car.
Overall it would make the RC job more fun and enjoyable for everyone that goes on Duty. Would love to see this happen.
@Inchs Looking in logs and seeing a couple of deaths and then punishing the person isn't quite staffing is it inchs?
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