Suggestion! 5.7: car theft.

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.7: Car theft
Your version of the rule:

5.7: Vehicle theft:
When stealing vehicles, players are expected to do so in a realistic and fairly safe manner and should avoid stealing a vehicle within direct vicinity of LEO's, government employees, crowds and NPC's unless it's necessary under 3.4 and 3.6 to do so. When driving a stolen car, players must avoid actions that will lead to the car receiving damage beyond tire damage or damage repairable by road crew workers. Players may not at any point steal a car off another player under gunpoint (a.k.a "carjacking") . Players are expected to abide by rule 2.5 when stealing a car and should avoid griefing the vehicles owner beyond necessity. At no point can a stolen car be used in a bank robbery.
Why do you believe this rule should be added:

No actual rule regarding car thefts under section 5, makes no sense since car theft is a criminal activity with rules regarding it under section 3 of the rules list.

I feel as though carjacking someone using a gun serves little to no benefit and could lead to a longer jail sentence for the thief as well as leaving a high risk of being flattened by a car. On top of this, the owner can call the police with a 100% accurate description on who stole the car, and police will have all the evidence they need to arrest the person when they see him in the car with a gun.

The multiple paragraphs regarding damaging the car are there to prevent users being griefed of multiple thousands of dollars because someone wanted to drive there car without the consent of the owner. The reason I've made exceptions to tire damage and disabling the engine is because cops using spike strips and guns to stop speeding stolen cars is very common and isn't always the drivers fault.

I feel as though stolen vehicles shouldn't be used in bank robberies because it can lead to unnecessary damage and awkward ends to RP sits if the owner decides to respawn there car, as well as you being unable to refuel it and the time bank robberies take would mean that the cars owners won't be allowed to respawn his car, get a job, and drive for a good 20 minutes.
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Simple solution: Buy the security upgrade.
Stealing cars for a bank raid is quite smart since cops can't blow your tires as the person doesn't have a warrant.
1: Cops will destroy the tires of ANY car parked in the vicinity of the bank.
2: The owner can quite easily respawn there car mid robbery.
3: It leads to unneeded damages to someone elses car and means they have to wait for the bank robbery to end before they can do anything.
So if you ACTUALLY crash it by accident your gonna get banned?
If they destroy ANY, that cannot be justified. It's actually vandalism.
The owner if aware of their vehicle being stolen isn't allowed to
You can buy car protection if you're too scared of getting your car shot up.
if you crash by being a massive fucking idiot then yeah, but if the crash was not the fault of the driver then no.
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