[Suggestion] Change how staff currently enforce 2.5 and 4.1

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Professional Stripper
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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/discu...an-just-make-ia-complaints.38230/#post-278585

Main Idea:

Change how staff currently enforce 2.5 and 4.1

Full description of the idea:
-Currently staff are too lenient dealing with issues that require IA complaints as well.
-If an officer breaks a rule where he would also be punished for it off duty, he should get a verbal warning, warning or ban for it. E.G shooting someone unarmed for 2.5
- Enforce 4.1 more. Officer should recieve OOC punishment for unlawful searches, raids, misconduct in public office.
-Officers recieve both OOC punishment and Internal PD punishment if neccesary for gross misconduct and the above reasons.

Why should it be added?: An NPC giving you a job shouldnt excempt you from this.More in discussion thread.

- More situations dealt with via reports than being told to make IA complaints
- Not having to wait 2 weeks to close an IA complaint
- Less PD bias. Same punishments as if they'd committed the same actions off duty.
- IA dont struggle with "too many complaints to deal with"
- More competent people dealing with issues also dealt withIA complaints

-Hoes mad
-- Staff spend more time on PD issues.
I think 4.1 should be enforced as brutally as Civilians have rules enforced upon them, punishing someone around 4.1 should be consistent throughout ALL laws regardless of the severity (traffic lights etc) - the only thing changing is the punishment itself being a verbal warning, warning or server ban.

Don't add discretion to what the rules are but to what extent the rule should be enforced. God bless, Heil Fredy
I agree, the excuse that a ww, demotion or dismissal is bad enough is wrong. If they've done something severe enough to be dismissed or demoted with clear intentions they should also recieve OOC punishment.
You may of noticed one of my bans that happened to me that occurred to me when i was an officer. It was for 1.4 and 2.5. It was mainly for the 1.4. But I also broke 2.5. If someone breaks 2.5 as an officer, e.g. executing a cuffed suspect, then they should be punished for 2.5. If however, they hit you more than once with a baton, then no they shouldnt get punished. With the 4.1, report it to a supervisor on duty. They speak with an officer. Say they broke 4.1 by accidentally running a red light as they lagged, they shouldnt get punished. Whereas if they were going down the wrong side of the highway, executing people for fun, then why are they still a cop. A supervisor can demote them on the spot, and I think a LT+ can suspend someone ingame.
Are you saying that we just ignore officers who blatantly break the law but ban civilians who do something as minor as ignore the intersection traffic light? Of course we are telling off officer bob who just went on duty for the first time and ignored that one stop sign or red light but that's that. Does he need a written warning or ban? If he learns and doesn't do it for the 5th time in a row then no.
Not sure what happened and you believe that we are so biased towards the PD but that's simply not the case.
Read it again because you clearly didn't't understand it. I never said staff don't deal with most situations like this. However, barely ever if someone is punished for excessive force and a shooting violation they'll recieve a warning or ban for it as well. Barely ever do you see warnings or bans for unlawfully searching properties. We're not saying it doesnt happen we're saying it's too lenient. If people get banned for raiding more than 3 properties why should an officer get away with raiding properties for next to no reason with a WW?
Staff will deal with Officers that applied In-Game and remove them if necessary. Any Officer who breaks the rules should be dealt with by Staff anyway.
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