Suggestion: Comment feature on android mobile(s).

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I am not going to go into too much depth with this situation as I believe it is very self explanatory. Furthermore, I am unsure about whether or not this could be fixed, I do believe that if there was a way to fix it, developers would be aware of it.

The reason why I used "android" for the topic/title is because I have been told that on other devices, the comment feature works but on most android mobile's, it does not. I have not looked into this myself but it has been told multiple times.​

Comment feature on android mobile(s)

Short explanation (in notes):
The comment feature, similar to the comment feature on PC.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Currently, the comment system on android does not work however you can see comments made by other users on the forum. I think it would be good to make this comment feature work- this way there will be less people replying to posts using the "reply" system in which they write something along the lines of "on mobile, can't comment".

I am not sure if this is an issue for all players but I would like it fixed, if it can be done.

Optional additions:

You're right. On my Android device (Motorola's Moto G) it does not have a feature where you can comment. It would be useful instead of having to wait until you're at a computer desktop to do it.
However, poor Stephen and other coding experts will have to go through every single Android device resolutions I think, which will take many centuries to do.
I'm going to lean towards a +Support, as people can state what devices do and don't work.
Not sure if they can change that? Im not so sure but I think its made like that by XenForo. It simply doesnt have the PC compatability.
It's due to resolution issues, mobile devices with higher resolutions (bigger screens) will have the ability to let you comment, other smaller mobile devices will sadly, not have this option and cannot be modified due to it being a third party addon of some sort, which makes it not possible to do anything about it.
The resolution seems to be the problem. I couldn't comment on the iPhone 4S in both portrait and landscape, however on my Note 3 Neo and on our S5 it is different. I cannot comment in portrait but in landscape mode (unspoiler the spoilers to see what I mean) and signatures appear in landscape aswell which is hidden in portrait.

More like a problem with XenForo, pray for a fix.
This would be good too have, it would make definitely get rid posts that always have to say it's a comment because they ar on their phone, however I can comment fine on my iPad mini which is quite handy.
Dont see it on my samsung galaxy A5 either. And i think this can easily be done with a plugin

(My res is 720x1080 and 1080x720)

(Also, since the new forum update fucked up a fee layout things like the premium button )
Just to inform you, you are able to comment with an Android Phone. I got an Samsung S4 and Iam able to comment.
Wanna know how? Follow Venomine's little Tutorial.
--> If you want to leave a comment on a threat, you simply have to activate that turning function over here
20150903_203459.png <---
As soon as you activate that function scroll down to the threat you wanted to comment
and there you go you are able to leave a comment.

Ps.: The other open tabs are no "porn sites", I promise :kappa: .

Commenting on mobile devices only works for devices with a large enough resolution, not possible to make smaller devices able to offer it.
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