Changes to Rule 3.9 Suggestion

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
3.9 Placing Props

Your version of the rule: My changes will be in bold.

Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Police Barricades and Cones. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should public structures be used for combat

In base defences you are not allowed to place any furniture props. These props include, but are not limited to:
  • Fridges
  • Bookcases
  • Marble Busts
Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun. A maximum of three spotlights may be concentrated on a particular area.

Additionally, construction props may not be placed to erect defences during ongoing shootouts or raids.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Because we don't allow it already so clarification in the rules are logical.

About adding bookcases into this rule though,

Bookcases are extremely broken with gmod player models. Because your character leans forward a bit when holding a gun in attack stance you can stand next to a bookcase and it will hide most of your head if not your entire head while you can see the attacking player and have a clear headshots on him, refer to Picture Set #1 below.
Now, this can also be the other way around if the defending player would be on the other bookcase, refer to Picture Set #2 below.

Distance is also a huge factor but I tried staying in 'apartment range' to simulate a base in the server. I didn't add barricades so you can see more of the body being hidden.

It is extremely broken and people use this to their advantage. The rules clearly state you can't make any headglitches and if you don't see someone's head but they see yours, that's a headglitch right?

In my opinion this is just absurd and shouldn't be a thing on the server. Especially now raiding and player killing is very popular. It just causes issues and people make reports that are technically true but we can't do anything about them because we allow bookcases.

You should only be allowed to place a chain link fence in front of barricades and spotlights on top of them. It is a defence, not a library.




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