[Suggestion] Idle/AFK [3.16 / 3.17]

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Great Britain

What rule do you wish to Edit:

3.16 Idle
Players are not allowed to go idle for a prolonged period of time, while on the server. Players are also prohibited from going idle during a roleplay situation, however if they have a reasonable reason they may go idle provided they inform every player involved in LOOC and submit a /report to inform an admin they have gone idle.

3.17 Idling on a Job
Players are not allowed to go idle for any period of time while performing a job, players should quit their job before going idle or use /report to inform a member of staff that they have gone idle

Your version of the rule:
3.16 Idle/AFK
Players may not attempt to avoid the AFK timer in any way, shape or form. Players are prohibited from pretending to go idle/deliberately going idle to avoid any roleplay situation, and are only permitted to go idle during a roleplay situation for a short period of time if they have a valid reason, and only with the express permission of all parties involved. Players performing any job are prohibited from going Idle for more than three minutes, and must first inform a staff member through a report with the reason why. If you need to be idle for longer than this time, quit your job.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Some people are idiots and don't know what Idle means, therefore adding the 'AFK' definition in the title will help.
These rules are quite similar and touch on the same issues, so combining them would help avoid confusion.
The current rules are quite contradictory, for example, "Players are not allowed to go idle for any period of time while performing a job" and then: "Use /report to inform a member of staff that they have gone idle." Like, wot.

If you have any additions or concerns lemme know innit.

People are often allowed to visit the bathroom or grab a sandwich or something for 5 minutes aslong as they report it and get approved by staff members before doing so.
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