[Suggestion] Paralake Organized Crime Unit / Division

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/paralake-organized-crime-unit-division.30103/

Main Idea: Add a new division to the plpd

Full description of the idea: Copied from the discussion post)
So I've been going around for a few weeks now about this, thinking how it all could work out. When for example someone murders someone. Their DNA can be found on the victim and a SGT+ or a medic can easily get the DNA to then put up a warrant. This idea adds alot more of realism and roleplay to that scenario.

In my free time I like to watch police series and movies. Chicago PD, Hawaii Five-O and so on. But after watching all the "Johan Falk" movies I really got hyped for this.

A new unit or a division that work to prevent criminals to commit big crimes such as murder, gang wat and so on. They work in unmarked cars (more about that down bellow) and in undercover uniforms.

Back to the murder case. When a murder has ocurred then officers respond to secure the crime scene. Then this unit have to respond to then collect the DNA. The DNA then have to be brought back to the PD where a machine will scan the DNA to then get the information. After that the unit search up the suspect so see if he owns any properties or vehicles. Their job then is to locate the suspect. And that is when the undercover uniform and vehicles comes handy. If they locate the property. But can't see the suspect. Then they have to wait and spy on the property in hope to find the suspect.

Let's say that the suspect has been found. Then let's say the suspect is wanted and possibly armed and dangerous. Then they call in TFU to slient respond to make an arrest.

Another scenario could be that someone adverts that they want to sell or buy explosives. Their job then is to spy on the case. Maybe they know the location or name or phone number, with that information they can continue working gathering information about where the buisness will take place. And then they can be there ready to make the arrest.

Undercover Vehicles:

Yes I know this have been suggested multiple times. But I feel that this really is a good way to implement it. I've also thought about how they could look and work. The emergency light system on the police cars wouldn't work since they only got a lightbar and that isn't undercovcer at all. Imagine the ambulace emergency lights, but in blue and red instead. And the lights will be hidden in the grill and maybe have wig-wang lights. And hide some in the brake lights.

People will after a short while start to recognize the undercover cars. So a way to make this harder could be when a POCU (Paralake Organized Crime Unit (yes a bad shortcut)) talks to the NPC in the lobby to spawn a car, they get to choose between maybe 1 - 3 diffrent car models, and then color. Just to make it a little bit more harder for criminals to spot them.


I think that they should have civilian clothes, but maybe have a duty belt with a radio, handcuffs and a pistol. But let's say that they are about to arrest a wanted suspect with TFU. Then they could walk up to their vehicle and open the trunk. In the trunk they can find a heavy bullet proof vest. And when they eqiup it. It will be added to their playermodel. On the west it would say "Paralake Organized Crime Unit". And same thing if they unequip it.

Why should it be added?: I think this would add alot more roleplay in these kind of situations. You would have to do some more dedective work.

  • Adds alot more realism and roleplay
  • More police work is required to arrest a wanted suspect for murdet etc.

  • Hard to implement?

*Other additions: If it gets accepted. Im signing up to be in charge of it since this is something I really like and is interested in.

*Images: Can be found in the discussion post.
To be fair when I broke the rules and went undercover as SS (@MrLewis) it was a hell of a lot of fun for all involved. I would like to see an undercover unit but fear that aside from memery it will have very little effect.
If you want specific people to be untrusted forever, you want people to see others as snitches, have older members only trust close friends aka totally closed towards newer members.
Sure go ahead, but I think this screws over more than it creates opportunities...
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