Server Suggestion [Suggestion] Wrench Cooldown Tweak

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Suggestion Title: Wrench Cooldown Tweak
Suggestion Description: Reduce the time between wrench repairs to 1.5 seconds.
Wrench repairs only possible when engine is off.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes repairing a car slightly less of a pain
- It would still be balanced where pursuits are concerned. Having to stop the engine, repair, enter, then start it, will give pursuers more than enough time to catch up.
- Engines still have a chance to fail at starting when the car is damaged, meaning that stopping a car to apply a wrench to partially fix it is still risky for pursuits.

What negatives could this have?:
- None, so far. (Couldn't think of any during the creation of this idea. Feel free to leave some downsides to this change in a reply, if you can think of one)
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Do what clarky said and remove it as a whole, I get it’s there to stop people from spamming wrenches but it’s honestly the worst update that’s been released
Yeah man, it's so fun to go against people carrying 15 wrenches in their pocket, fully repair their car with 3 uses and keep going in the middle of a shootout.

It was a much needed change so for the love of god don't remove it completely. I'm up for the tweak you suggested and is perfectly fine risk wise.
Yeah man, it's so fun to go against people carrying 15 wrenches in their pocket, fully repair their car with 3 uses and keep going in the middle of a shootout.

It was a much needed change so for the love of god don't remove it completely. I'm up for the tweak you suggested and is perfectly fine risk wise.
100% agree with Creepis here, the nerf was needed and I believe this suggestion is the prefect middle ground where people that have their cars damaged can fix it in a faster way but stops people from committing crimes and keep repairing their car
Would be solid if it was completely removed to be honest.
Knowing Tiny, he probably won't. So if anything, the time reduction at the cost of the engine being powered off seems like a fair trade to save people's sanities.
Yeah man, it's so fun to go against people carrying 15 wrenches in their pocket, fully repair their car with 3 uses and keep going in the middle of a shootout.

It was a much needed change so for the love of god don't remove it completely. I'm up for the tweak you suggested and is perfectly fine risk wise.
just make sure its completely damaged GG
Please remove it its so annoying its not like IRL i have to remove a bolt and stop for 5 seconds every turn or some shit so please fix this BS
I'd say remove the whole thing, everyone hates it, no one wanted it, why keep it?


Yeah man, it's so fun to go against people carrying 15 wrenches in their pocket, fully repair their car with 3 uses and keep going in the middle of a shootout.
Sounds like a skill issue. I have never had a scenario like this happen where I was a cop or something, shot at someones car and they somehow got away to fix and come back. Just work harder to disable the vehicle or apprehend the person. S k i l l - i s s u e

Please just remove it, we know its not realistic but god its so awful
How about if we could actually have no cooldown if there is no RC on-duty?

I mean %90 of the time there is no RC on duty anyways.
To compensate, make it require more wrenches to fully repair without the cool-down, making RC a much more cheaper option while still keeping wrenches accessible
There's no reason you should need to wait 5 minutes to repair your engine after your car tiering/engine being destroyed, this has been lowered to 2 minutes.

The wrench cooldown has been lowered from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
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