Suggestions for the explosives.

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Short explanation (in notes):
- Bomb settings such as timed delay, proximity detonation (similar to a landmine, I suppose)
- To be able to be defused by SWAT

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It's a bit more realistic I suppose and I would imagine I would be able to defuse a bomb in real-life.

Optional additions:
- When defusing, 1 in 100 chance it'll go off prematurely.
Its a nice idea, but there would have to be some sort of rules on where and when you can put down a proxi and a timed bomb. I imagine some sweater saving up for a proximity mine and then placing it in the middle of the highway.

Still +Support
I've been thinking of beeing able to defuse explosives as well. I think it should be a total of 3 wires you could cut, and only the one who placed the explosive would know which one. Pressing E on the placed bomb would take you to a menu which shows the 3 wires. 1 Blue, 1 Red and 1 Yellow. Only civillians and SWAT should be able to defuse it, as I know some criminals would love to protect their stuff.
Don't worry, I know this has been posted 3 months ago, but I think that shouldn't matter.

So, since there are already explosives I will support on the defuse suggestion. It would be amazing RP if this would be possible.
Yea the sweater can do that but it will be against server rules because he had no reason of doing it you know? But at the same time how visible will it be because I can put it in apartment door way and kill raiders. Oh wait another thing how big will the radius of the explosion be? Because if I put it in apartment door I might kill myself also.
+support, there is no way to disable a car bomb and I think that should be possible, This is the same with all other bombs!

Don't touch my fucking bombs, remote explosive is already weak as fk and timed makes loud beeps. Everybody metagames the /me from the carbomb then respawns the car anyway already. The whole point of a carbomb is the fact YOU DON'T KNOW ITS THERE.
Quite good idea, I was SWAT with @Bolli once, he decided to make up a bomb scenario. I was the lucky bastard who had to defuse it. I think I had to roll over 60 to get it defused.
**Lamar ||Rolls 2|| you can hear me scream "Ohh shit".
And there I was flying out of the "Projex Apparments".
Thanks iglo @Bolli.
Actually there is a lot of questions about this suggestion and also developers will have to put a lot of effort in that to create this suggestion and imply it into the server without any issue.

Cant you guys imagine this suggestion gonna make organizations more overpowered..

Cops already cant put them down with full team. (Example: Cosa Nostra)

If this idea gonna be applied, then SWAT should have access to frag grenades or something with a defuse kit.
There should also be a chance for the bomb to fail you know to mix things up timer hits 0 then nothing happens. It would bring in the mechanics of reliability and the question of is it worth building a bomb that has a chance to fail. You may rate this dumb but think about it currently it is to easy to kill a large group of people without weapon jams, misfires and bombs failing to detonate.

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