Suspines ban dispute @Collier @Nutrient11

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United States of America
Appealing for : BanAppeal

Appeal type: Dispute

Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans)

Your Steam Name: Suspine

Your In-game Name
: Matteo Sanchez

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76865063

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) 1.5

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: First off, I was in a teamspeak call late at night with LilChicken, Collier, and Blackdown in the call. We were talking and it came up that I knew LilChickens name because he posted an AR on me. The youtube channel that LIlChiken posted was his IRL channel and had his IRL name on it. LilChicken asked me if I knew his name and I said yes I do. He then asked me to tell him his name so I privately poked him his name on TS and which he then confirmed and stated “yes that’s my name”. He then said something along the lines of “wow that's kinda creepy” we were all joking around and having a fun time and I said “it doesn’t mean anything that I know your name, what do you think I’m going to do fly to wherever you live and ask people in the airport do you know (this is where I accidentally slipped his name). According to Nutrient the reason why I was banned is because “I poked LilChiken his name” The reason why I poked him his name is because he asked me to do so. I found out his name like 3 months ago and never said it to anyone. This was not malicious either as he asked me to poke him. This was posted on a public youtube channel. Nutrient not once spoke to me about what happened, maybe if he did he would have heard my side of the story and learned that LilChicken took everything out of context. I then joined teamspeak on my laptop, in order to speak with Collier about what happened. LilChicken then joined and saw me in TS and immediately got Nutrient on to permanently ban me, again without consulting with me before banning me. TLDR; This ban was completely taken out of context. Aswell as Nutrient never once spoke or investigated what exactly happened, If he did he would've learned that it was a complete misunderstanding and never used maliciously or for bad intent. Aswell as if he asked me why I was in teamspeak he would have learned that I was waiting to speak with Collier about this ban.

Additional Comment(s): N/A

Evidence (Required for all server bans): @Collier and @Blackdown
I'd very much like to see some evidence to substantiate your claims and I would hope you're familiar with the rule 1.4 which says " If a staff member requests information about an incident, users must respond honestly and without omission." And I'm sure this applies to any ban disputes. Anyway, I have over 2 hours of video which I edited down to show the most relevant parts of you and blackdown admitting to breaking 1.5 which specifically says:

1.5 Personal details and identity
Players may not leak, attempt to gain, or maliciously use the private and personal details of another player. Details Including (but not limited to) Passwords to accounts, Home addresses, Personal photos, and phone numbers of either other members of the community or their family, friends, etc. These details must be respected and not shared throughout the community in-game, the forums, PERPheads TS3, or steam chat. Players may also not pretend to be another member of the community beyond In-Character names in an attempt to damage their reputation.

The most important parts are "May not leak" and "Attempt to gain".

First lets deal with your clear untruths of you say you know my name because of a public forum post however this is not the case my youtube was leaked to you by @Shay who was dealt with for this I have since changed my name so it is not possible for you to get my name from my youtube. You also say I asked you if you know my name which I already knew you did unfortunately I did not get this part on video but it was actually @Blackdown who started the conversation by leaking my name he later goes on to admit that he knows you have dox folder on multiple members of the community and you even went in-game to attempt to gain my name by checking if you had written it down in your phone notes which is very creepy. You also claim that I was completely ok with you knowing my name but this is far from the truth I just didn't want to confront you because you are an incredibly toxic individual and it shouldn't be my responsibility to call you out on doxing. I'm also glad you're lying about who was in the channel at the time because you may be getting confused @Collier and @Blackdown we're both in the TeamSpeak with you the day before this incident when you were trying to dox me in my absence which is very disturbing. It is common knowledge that I don't like you and you are the last person that should know my name. The channel I gathered evidence from had @Sneaky and @Blackdown in it although @Sneaky had nothing to do with yours and blackdowns actions.

I'd like to point out to you that the rules put maliciously using information in a completely separate category which I also have evidence of you doing to @Detrix where you admit to finding out his name and using it to scare him. You are obviously a repeat offender and I don't see why you don't think you don't deserve this ban if not longer considering you've already been toxic towards me on steam after the incident and attempted to ban evade. You're also lying about me joining TS I was in TS long before you were.

I am adamant my name was changed on youtube before I made the AR on you and the complaint I made on shay will back this up I believe.

Overall you knew exactly what you were doing was wrong and just because you "leaked by accident" doesn't make it any less against the rules you shouldn't have been talking about me or my personal details at any point especially the day prior to this incident with @Collier and @Blackdown in my absence. But most importantly you shouldn't lie to staff now about who was in the channel when the incident took place when I have evidence that says otherwise.
And @LilChicken me and him are friends and he hasn't used my real name to scare me lol? and he says "the dox folder was complete sarcasm and I said that Collier was in the dox folder and he aswell took it as a joke."
Thats not what he said in the video dox folder or no dox folder he has still broken the rules
@Detrix I'm not the one disputing a ban here I've already shown evidence to staff hence him being banned for 6 months
@LilChicken "No because you took everything out of context and aren't showing what happened before hand. It was clearly a joke about the dox folder. Ever heard of sarcasm? You asked me to poke me your name to see if I knew it. I never started that conversation. Plus I never wrote down your name. I know someone with your same last name thats how I remembered. As you stated above you don't like me so you clearly lured me into getting banned. You aswell stated you don't give a shit if people know your name. The other person in the call looked you up on facebook, not me. You also claim that I asked Blackdown for his name? never happened."
@Detrix I don't have the start of the conversation have you read my reply? It seems you haven't or haven't understood it please provide evidence instead of slandering
@LilChicken "I'm the one disputing the ban not you. Thats the point of my dispute is saying you never included the first part of the video. You claim you don't have it. What a coinsidence for you. You clearly know Blackdown, Sneaky and I were taking a piss and you came in recording us like a creep"
@Detrix My instant replay wasn't working that day so I had to delete a lot of videos and start recording its not my fault you admitted to wrong doing after I started recording
I’d also like to point out he claims he got my name from an AR made on him yet at the bottom of said AR I say “”I have since changed my youtube name to mitigate any potential damage Shay may have caused.”” Clearly indicating that I changed my YouTube name once I realised and before I posted this AR
Doesn’t change the fact that your posted a video with your irl name, and then proceeded to post it in game making it a public domain. As stated I never maliciously said your name, to you and a staff member in team speak
@Suspine if you read the message above idk if you did that it would appear you haven’t it says that AR you claim my name was on specifically mentions me changing my name before posting also you say I posted it in game this also is not true @Shay posted it without my permission you also say it was just me and a staff member to make it seem better yet I have video proof it wasn’t. Also you admitted to searching for my information on Facebook which funny enough is 1.5 I did send you the rule a couple times so you’d know
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