Tactical Firearms Unit announcement: Activity requirements, Recruitment overhaul, New requirements.

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Tactical Firearms Unit Announcement 11/2021:
Overhaul of Applications, Launch of Quality Control, Activity Requirements, New Requirements.

Tactical Firearms Command have been spending a fair amount of time conceiving new ideas and plans and putting them into action.

Quality control:

The only feedback we received in the PLPD community survey was that certain members who held or actively hold positions within TFU were not acting as expected from them. The user(s) who provided this feedback said that TFO's, who are supposed to be role models, are not behaving as such. In an attempt to curb this behaviour, Myself and @Bojing have spent afternoons brainstorming ways we can curb the issue presented to us, and we decided that a Supervised Patrol Scheme would be the best course of action.

The supervised patrol scheme will work as such:
- Officers will be contacted by their assigned Trainer via the PLPD.online inbox, asking for times and dates that you will be free for a supervised patrol or operation. It is recommended that you give multiple times and dates for said patrol due to limitations of slots and the likes that may come up.
- Upon arriving at your agreed time and date, you will put on light gear and carry out a patrol with your assigned trainer. The patrol should be no shorter than 30 minutes.
- Upon completion, your trainer will provide you with fair feedback and fill out a form, notifying us of your performance and skills, as well as areas of improvement.
- You will be notified via PM from TFU Command whether or not further action will be taken or if we feel as though you are sufficient enough to remain in TFU without further action.

Further action taken against reported underperformance might include:
- Talk with TFU command.
- Retraining in the field(s) where poor performance was noted.
- In extreme cases, Reassessment or removal from TFU could be enacted.

More information can be found under "Probation & Quality control" in the "Tactical Firearms Unit" section of the resources page.

Activity requirements:
All Tactical Firearms Officers will now adhere to an activity requirement, requiring you to gain at least 1 hour in TFU gear every 3 months. All officers who have not adhered to this policy up until this point will not be held accountable for such, however, All members of TFU are expected to meet this requirement by 28/2/2022.

Taser whitelisting:

All Tactical Firearms Unit applicants will now require to be Taser whitelisted to apply for TFU, as well as all officers seeking reinstatement.

All Tactical Firearms Officers will require to become Taser whitelisted by February 1st 2022. Failing to do so will result in removal from TFU Until you are whitelisted for Taser use. Make a helpdesk Ticket to TFU Command if you have any concerns or are unable to meet this requirement.

This also applies for Tactical Firearms Trainers.

Application overhaul:

The "Training" stage, and the Assessment stage have been merged into an assessment.

The Stage 3 will now consist of the Following situations:
- Weapons demonstration
- Flashbangs and Breaching
- Marksmanship
- SWAT Van Driving Course
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal
- Hostage situation
- Slums raid
- Hostage Rescue.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact @Bojing , @Mim or Myself.

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