TFU Announcement 17/6/2022

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TFU Announcement 17/6/2022: Command Recruitment.

Due to the recent expansions within the PD and its Command teams, TFU will be following suit with Traffic and Patrol and bringing back their previous 3 man command team!

The Tactical Firearms Unit are looking for a third command member to oversee the Practical stage (Stage 3) Of the TFU application. The position will be offered alongside the rank of Lieutenant.

I have been running TFU stage 3's for a very long time now, coming up 2 years. Whilst I am still going to maintain an active presence in TFU Recruitment, The task of running TFU stage 3's will be allocated to this second Lieutenant, So @Bojing and I can focus more on the administrative side of things.

The tasks and responsibilities for this new Command position will entail:
- Organizing Stage 3 assessments
- Running Stage 3 assessments as the session leader
- Assistance in trainer recruitment (Alongside myself and @Bojing )

Other responsibilities may be allocated to you in the event that @Bojing or Myself need to go inactive.

- Have experience and full technical knowledge with Teamspeak 3.
- Fully understand the TFU recruitment cycle and stage 3 preferably with first hand experience within it or using the training system in general.
- Must be someone we can consider a good role model within the community.
- Must have time free to perform their duties for the foreseeable future.

To bring everyone up to scratch, These will be the Positions within TFU Command upon the end of the recruitment cycle:

Captain Benny Bronson:
Head of TFU.
General administrative duties
Trainer recruitment
Resources and applications management
Enactor of reinstatements, Demotions, Blacklists.

Lieutenant Bojing Mohammad:
Overseer of Performance Management.
Enactor of corrective action.
Campaigns Manager.
Secondary trainer recruitment.

Lieutenant (Open position):
Practical Assessment manager.
Applicant feedback organisation.
Secondary trainer recruitment.
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