Taser Certification - Stage 2 Information

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Taser Whitelist Rollout - Further Information

Dear colleagues,

This announcement is going to be centred around the rollout of the Taser Whitelist for colleagues in the Department - you only need to continue reading this if you are a current applicant or are interested in applying to become taser certified.

Since we began hosting the Stage 2 sessions, we have operated a priority system which gave the Department’s training staff, who had the shortest deadline, priority to complete their certification. We are now moving to Phase 2, which covers the remaining applicants looking to become taser certified.

From TOMORROW (12/12/2021) ALL Stage 2 applicants will be able to complete their taser certification in one of two ways:​
  • Attend one of the pre-organised training sessions hosted by the Patrol Command, the dates and times of which will be included as a reply to this announcement when they are organised. Alternatively;​
  • Contact a Patrol Trainer, or a member of the Operations Services hierarchy (this includes RTU Command, TFU Command, and Patrol Command), to complete the stage with you.​
Ultimately, Operations Services would like to stress that the responsibility of becoming taser certified lies with you. It is your prerogative to organise suitable dates with trainers or attend the pre-arranged sessions. If you have any queries regarding the process then please submit a Helpdesk ticket to your primary command team.

Kind regards,

Operations Services​

Taser Whitelist Rollout - Further Information

Dear colleagues,

This announcement is going to be centred around the rollout of the Taser Whitelist for colleagues in the Department - you only need to continue reading this if you are a current applicant or are interested in applying to become taser certified.

This post will contain the dates of the pre-arranged applications set by Patrol Command for the upcoming week:

Monday 13/12/2021 at 6PM GMT
Monday 13/12/2021 at 10PM GMT
Wednesday 15/12/2021 at 10PM GMT
Thursday 16/12/2021 at 10PM GMT
Friday 17/12/2021 at 6PM GMT

The patrol command team would like to extend their apologies for their later session times these should be resolved soon. We would like to re-iterate that you may still contact training staff separately to do your Stage 2.

Kind Regards,

Operations Services
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