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- #1

TFU Announcement 14/10/2022: Opportunities and recruitment.
We would like to start this by thanking @Mim for filling his duty as line manager of OS For so long. Whilst I was the only TFU Command member, Mim was incredibly helpful, and made the process of recruiting @Bojing miles easier. Also, we would like to thank @nutrient10 on his years of irreplaceable service as a TFTO.
New application:
As a huge portion of people may be aware, Recently TFU's Application process was overhauled to allow applicants to pass without having to write a whole essay. This was to create a more streamlined experience in recruitment, and to allow capable officers who have physical skills over literature skills to apply, since we want physical capabilities. I feel like it's important to elaborate now that whilst we appreciate effortful applications, if you cannot submit your application due to wordcount, this is because you have written far more than expected from you.
The practical stage will still be an incredibly obstacle to overcome however, we can reassure you with upmost confidence that we will never lower the bar and ensure that only the best of the PD Can get in. We haven't made it any harder however, as we don't need to. Anyone within the PD has nothing to worry about, Your TFO's that you rely on to save your backs will remain only the best the PD has to offer.
Changes to the application process:
- Stage 1 and 2 were merged. Multi choice questions were scaled down from 20 to 10.
- Written questions are ones requesting shorter answers, except for the 2 situational questions.
- Answers to all of these questions can be gained either in the handbook, officer handbook, or by consulting anyone in TFU Currently.
-Stage 2 is now the practical stage.
Command Opportunities:
My Lieutenant's @Dom_ and @Bojing are looking for two outstanding officers to join TFU Command To assist them with their duties. The applications for these positions will open this weekend hopefully.
Applicants are expected to meet these requirements to be considered for interview:
- Must be Corporal+
- Must be a serving member of the Tactical Firearms Unit.
- Should have 1 month without a warning or ban on duty, as well as 1 month since your last formal infraction (Reprimand+)
- Must have ideas relevant for their preferred position, desire to progress within the PD, and desire to help TFU as a unit.
- Must not be TeamSpeak banned, Forum banned, Communication banned or on a community resolution causing a possible ban if it is broken.
The 2 chosen applicants will be granted the rank of Staff sergeant, if they don't hold this rank already.
These 2 positions hold the following responsibilities:
Assistant Recruitment manager:
Responsible for helping organise TFU Stage 2's, marking the TFTO Attendance form, communicating with trainers and ensuring stage 1's are marked. This role will require constant activity.
Administrative assistant:
Responsible for assisting Bojing with the supervised patrol scheme, attendance forms, and helping enact and organise corrective action. This role may also share responsibilities within recruitment if there is downtime for administrative duties.
Speak to a member of TFU Command if you are unsure which role you would prefer.
When applying for the command role, you should specify which position you are applying for. You might be chosen for the other position however, so prepare yourself for that too.
TFU Training: Voluntary training sessions:
Voluntary training for TFU Is coming back in the form of training sessions, more information on timing will be made available soon.
Furthermore, during times where TFU Applications increase (Usually half terms or holidays), TFU basic training sessions will be offered to non TFU Officers that are legible to join TFU. These will be perfect opportunities to run through basic situations and equipment demonstrations. You will be given basic rundowns on TFU Equipment and be given an opportunity to use the equipment in a controlled environment in the training area on the live server. Anyone who misuses these sessions or attempts to ruin them for other participants will be barred from those sessions and blacklisted from applying for TFU.
Training videos:
The Tactical Firearms Unit will soon begin its long-awaited training videos project. These videos will hopefully educate upcoming and existing TFO's on use of equipment, incident response, and Tactics. An application form for those willing to participate will be posted when the project is ready to begin. Anyone with ideas for training videos should contact me.
Those participating in the training videos however agree that they are doing so voluntarily, participation awards will not be given, and you are not entitled to one for partaking.
Captain Benny Scaramanga
Head of TFU.