Police Suggestion TFU Gear Sidearms

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Suggestion Title: TFU Gear Sidearms
Suggestion Description: Expand the sidearm secondary arsenal of Standard T2 TFU.

Light gear gets:
- SW Model 19
- Sig Sauer

Heavy gear gets:
- SW Model 500
- HK 45CT
- SW anaconda
- Desert Eagle

Why should this be added?:
- TFU classes become more feasible
- Sniper marksmen and shot gunner breathers aren’t given regular PATROL officer grade firearms
- Exclusive to TFU T2 and up giving more incentive to rank up from RTFO

What negatives could this have?:
- supervisors and high rank commanders won’t be the only ones walking around with such guns anymore

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Give more choice to Standard TFO to customize their kit to better suit a different class rather then only expanding their primary arsenal when in gear.
Suggestion Title: TFU Gear Sidearms
Suggestion Description: Expand the sidearm secondary arsenal of Standard T2 TFU.

Light gear gets:
- SW Model 19
- Sig Sauer

Heavy gear gets:
- SW Model 500
- HK 45CT
- SW anaconda
- Desert Eagle

Why should this be added?:
- TFU classes become more feasible
- Sniper marksmen and shot gunner breathers aren’t given regular PATROL officer grade firearms
- Exclusive to TFU T2 and up giving more incentive to rank up from RTFO

What negatives could this have?:
- supervisors and high rank commanders won’t be the only ones walking around with such guns anymore

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Give more choice to Standard TFO to customize their kit to better suit a different class rather then only expanding their primary arsenal when in gear.
It is not even necessary to add this and complicate the role even more.
I think pretty much every gun you’ve listed there is rank restricted in the PD. You can use them as TFU once you reach the required PD rank. It wouldn’t be fair to let any TFU use them pistols because you don’t get a lot of benefits for being a higher rank as it is so you’re just taking another benefit away.
I agree with the idea of giving TFOs back their exclusive sidearms. What I do not agree with here is the selection chosen.

Previously, regardless of rank when in TFU gear, you gained access to:
- Glock 20
- HK USP40
- M1911
- Sig P226

If you wanted a glock, M9, P99, etc. you selected it as an officer, then geared up. This predates the armoury UI when you instead had to pick an option from the text dialogue menu.

To rate the choices of sidearms you have listed:
- USP would be fine.
- Model 19 is a revolver that isn’t quite fit for purpose for a SWAT team, revolvers are used by some in scenario specific situations such as Frances GIGN as a marksmans tool, but revolvers not having attachments limits any of that potential to a degree where it’s accessible.
- P226 is fine.
- SW500 would never find itself within a Police Tactical Unit due to its low capacity, heavy weight, immense power, and cost of ammunition.
- HK45CT would be fine.
- Colt anaconda carries the same drawbacks as the SW500 but to a lesser extent.
- Desert eagle carries half the issues the SW500 would and again would almost never find its way onto a Police Unit full stop. I wouldn’t be against it being accessible by TFU but it being accessible by anyone who isn’t an Incident Commander would be silly, even as an Incident commander weapon it’s questionable and not a change I would personally want made.

I’m all for having a sidearm or a few sidearms accessible when in heavy gear but if it’s not a conventional caliber semi automatic pistol, it’s use in TFU gear is discouraged, and since you aren’t relying on your sidearm most the time as a TFO, the Glock 17 and M9 are already more than sufficient for the role to depend upon.
  • What?
Reactions: A1L
TFU really should not be getting high calibre sidearms because it goes against almost everything that the PD stands for
- SW500 would never find itself within a Police Tactical Unit due to its low capacity, heavy weight, immense power, and cost of ammunition.
Barret m82 police state only?

I agree with basically everything else you said. Incident commander seems fit to carry a Deagle, Model 19 is actually already availabe for TFU though.
  • Disagree
Reactions: A1L

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