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Deleted member 3131

Description of the idea: The idea is simple and is absolutely secondary, however i firmly believe aesthetics are an important part of life and anything related to art, videogames and more. the idea is simple, and serves double purpose: Add TFU helmets.
Helmets could be added in the following ways and modalities:

  1. Purely cosmetic (simple): add a purely cosmetic helmet to TFU officers, maybe add a couple of variants that could be set randomly or depending on rank, of course they would apply only for heavy geared TFO's.
  2. Purely cosmetic (advanced): add the ability to TFU officers to select their helmet, the idea is the same as the one above, where in heavy gear TFO's get helmets, except this time they get to choose what to wear.
  3. Practical/function: Helmets come in different variants, and each variant (2 or three variants) offers a different perk. This is not for me to decide, as it is for developers to decide what is possible and feasable to implement, and what is not, also keeping in mind balance. But some general ideas could be, extra head armour (hard to code, i know), flashbang protection but limited visibility (i.e gas mask effect, or goggles), lastly yet again another beanie variant that lets you utilise long range scopes, which the other two previous do not consent you to do.
We have very talented coders, and modelers (that could even port models from other pre made assets), i'd love to see their talent utilised in this particular idea, we could really see great things be done, more variety, immersion, realism and the F(un) factor!

Why should this be added? (pros):
Better immersion, cooler cosmethics, and functionality/compromise. It is now more important for TFU to choose wisely their equipment, and to actually select different roles, instead maybe of simply having 3 guns in their car trunk, and taking one out when convenient. (when speaking about sniper rifles of course).
Secondly, as stated above, realism would gain from it quite substantially, i've never seen SWAT or tactical officers ever THINK to respond to a shooter situation without a helmet, unless in light gear of course.

What negatives could this have? (cons): NO direct negative aspect as this could be simply cosmetic, or could be balanced out pretty well. (cost benefit wise, the mayor function could even be extended to allow officers different types of helmets.) Yet, this is absolutely secondary, i cannot stress this enough, however i would really prefer seeing heavy gear TFU with propper equipment, and not see them survive a headshot with a beanie.

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: swat.jpg swat RON.jpg images.jpgindex.jpg
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shit! that's the ultimate nuclear bomb proof helmet! are you crazy? that would be too OP!
Maybe make helmets equipable items?

The Garrys Mod addon "JI Defense solutions" Features an equipable helmet that protects you from headshots (The amount dependant on the caliber of the weapon hitting you and the strength of the helmet" With the downside of the top of your screen being shaded resulting in less visibility. Wouldn't mind seeing something like that on PERP Tbh.

As it stands however, cops are winning a decent amount of shootouts as is, and the real need for functional head armour just isn't there.
I agree with what you just said, however TFU already have "head armour" and sometimes survive headshots. (unless that was fixed)
Which is why, more than armour, i suggest on adding a cosmetic and different functional aspects, i.e Helmet with gas mask or goggles that prevent or reduce flashbang effects but reduce your normal visibility, a lighter helmet with no goggles or anything, that allows you to utilise sniper rifles (or certain optics) and so on. This would force TFU to implement actual roles, preparation before raids ("i am the sniper, you breach etc...) and an actual thought process. Whereas now i see many times people go on duty as TFU when they see a raid, they run to the armoury pick up any rifle and just run to the shootout.
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