"Do not be fooled by our name Brother, for to be an Assassin is to be grateful to the Foundation, The One True Foundation Is One Of Peace And Justice." - Hassan-i Sabbah
During the First Crusade, devoted Muslim Hassan-i Sabbah founded the Order Of The Assassins, Also known as the Ḥashshāshīn. Sabbah used both his incredible intellect and brilliant leader skills to achieve his goals, this led to the mysterious Order becoming a thing of legend... But this legend was short lived, with the invasion from the Mongolians of the Middle-East, brave Assassins surrendered their cruel and selfish goals to fight for their own homeland and its people, as the last breath was drawn by the last Ḥashshāshīn, he muttered the words "Ḥashshāshīn, those grateful to the foundation", and lay in his own blood, with his brothers.
Now, We Have Returned.
Heeding the words and actions of the last Assassins, the newly founded Order Of Assassins have crawled up from history to enforce justice and fight corruption against fellow Human Beings, Not Fellow Brothers, Nor Fellow Muslims, Fellow Humans...
Those searching to do good in this world are advised to join the modern Order.
Find The Truthteller And Repeat The Infamous quote From The Original Grandmaster Depicted Above.
(1st Line)
"I refuse to identify myself as the infamous 'Lord Of Alamut', for the assault and capture of Alamut was not good, nor honourable, but a necessity" - Hassan-i Sabbah On His Deathbed