The act of "Ninjacuffing" (uugh)

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double mini roundabout

There has been an increased number of reports saying "Oh I've been "ninjacuffed"" or something along those lines. There seems to be a bit of confusion over this so what I'll do is be a wicked sick on a stick type of person and waste my time explaining to you what is the realistic way of handcuffing a fleeing suspect.

A basic way of defining "Ninjacuffing" is basically when a police officer handcuffs you in a very unrealistic and naughty manner. For example if I'm on top of a car and an officer handcuffs me, that wouldn't be a realistic approach of apprehending someone because there is a very limited chance of the officer actually being able to cuff you from that height. This would fall into the 'Unrealistic Actions' category of the rules section, which is 3.3.

I would like to point out that if you're running away from an officer and he manages to handcuff you, then that action is perfectly fine to do. This is because he could really grab you by the arm while chasing you, do a bit of a swivel and swiftly lock your hands up you very naughty noodle.

The action of handcuffing an individual is typically deemed as unrealistic when the person being cuffed is too far from the officer, an ideal and common example of this is if the person is stood on a car and the officer handcuffs him from the ground. However there are exceptions, the act of handcuffing in game is typically considered as a representation of restraining and 'overpowering' the individual. As it'd be too excessive to ask the individual to use /me's such as '/me tackles the perp' whilst in pursuit. The act of handcuffing is always considered as a substitute for this, a 'combined action' if you will, so in most cases handcuffing a player whilst you're chasing him isn't really 'Ninja Cuffing' and I've never personally punished people for this. However having said that ideally you should be slapping them with a night stick before handcuffing them just for the added realism.

tl;dr Handcuffing someone in a foot pursuit isn't really against the rules.
(Credit: @MoronPipllyd ).

Of course when chasing someone, try to whack them in the face with your big expanding aerial so that 'it adds realism' and deters them from running like a flid any further.

So there you go. That basically outlines the actions of wrapping steel bangles around a slanderous scum's wrists and how to approach these ways of detainment.

I could go into much more detail but I really can't be bothered. Be creative!

Oh and please stop using the word 'Ninjacuffing'. It's a very icky word to use because no physics in perp can be very ninjalike, can they (unless you're Ben Walker with your stupid AK and what have you)?
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What if someone was standing towards you face to face and you take out your cuffs and cuff them? Would that be considered as ninja cuffing? As his back is not facing towards you.
What if someone was standing towards you face to face and you take out your cuffs and cuff them? Would that be considered as ninja cuffing? As his back is not facing towards you.
No because you can roleplay the action for cuffing them from the front which would mean that their hands would be bound facing their belly. It's possible.
There should be an exception to if you cuff someone on top of a car.

Some times when you use your battering ram to get some one out of the car it plops them up on top of the car. Because the battering ram is you dragging the suspect out of the car so there for they should be in front of you and ready to be cuffed. So when they get plopped on top of the car I cuff them any ways. Since it is un-realistic for them to plop up on top of the car when I drag them out.