Welcome to a guide where you will learn how to start off here at PERPHeads, you will learn where all the locations are going from finding a Legal Job to where to locate the drug dealer.
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Starting off with the legal jobs around Paralake City. There will be 8 different locations around the city which can be seen in the picture and all the other pictures down below;

I will go ahead and explain what the different Letters/Numbers stand for and what job they are supposed to provide down below, so don’t miss em out!
Y - This is your Location
Will always describe your location from where you first spawn so it will be simple for you to locate where you are on the map and where to find everything else from that point.
1 & 2 - Mayor & Secret Service
Will Firstly be The Mayor and the Secret Service which you can apply for by talking to the 2 different NPC inside the City Hall right where you spawn.
3 - Police Department
When you first walk out of city hall, Right in front of you, you will find the Police Department, to join the PLPD you will need to apply at https://plpd.online/joinus/ and go through different stages and tests to join.
4 -Roadcrew Station
Just behind the Police Department, you will find the Roadcrew Station, here you can Tow and Impound cars by the request of PLPD and you will also get to repair damaged cars for $500 if the person(s) request so.
5 - Fire Department
If you would like to become a Firefighter and do the hard work hardly people wanna do, this is the right place for you! You get money by the minutes and by fighting the fires which will be spread out around the city.
6 - Hospital
Walking further into the city you will find the hospital where you can apply to become a Medic, the only thing you need to do is to pass the exam and you’re ready to go!
Here you can also fix and buy genes which can be used for crafting and such. By the other side of the desk, you can get your legs fixed if you’ve been crippled in a shootout just talk to the NPCs and they will help you out!
7 - Taxi Driver
Almost by city garage going even further into the city you can become a Taxi Driver which can be found right here! You will need to be VIP and I'm positive the NPC will help you out getting set-up with a new nice cab!
8 - Courier
Over at the docks is where you wanna go if you wanna deliver the packages to the apartments and people around the city, being a courier might be stressful but with a little time on the job, I'm sure you will do just fine!
So here are a few other locations around the map which will be very useful for you to know about, such as where to buy food, or where to buy clothes, or even where to go if you wanna take the monorail around the city. And a few more to go, which will be down below.

1 - Jennifer’s Clothing
If you would like to get a change of clothes or maybe even a facial? Jennifer’s is the right place to go. She’s placed in either Suburbs or Business area over at Bazaar
Here’s when the monorail comes in handy if you don’t own a car!
2 - Fredy’s Bakery
If you’re getting hungry and you have no idea where to get fed at, Fredy’s at Suburbs or by the Beach is one way to go! Or if you don’t feel like eating Hamburgers, you can always by Milk at the Gas Station which can be pretty useful.
3 - The Bank
Here’s where you wanna go if you would like to buy an apartment to maybe pimp it up with nice furniture and just chillax with some music in the background, or you can get one for yourself to grow some illegal substances to get some fast and fat cash!
4 - Car Garage
At the Car Garage in either the City or at the Business, Sector is where you go to get your car out if you have one, it’s that simple.
5 - The Monorail Station
Not sure if it’s still being used or not but I can tell you for sure, if you’re new and you don’t wanna get killed running on the highway, it’s a very safe and quick way to get from City Garage to Business & Suburbs.
6 - The Storage
Now if you don’t own a house or an apartment, storage will come in handy, here’s we you can store stuff without being worried about getting mugged and losing everything you’ve gotten so far!
Here’s were the most of you new and old people lack information, the Drug Dealer also known as the DD is at 8 different locations around the map, finding this guy you can both Buy Seeds to grow some Weed/Coke or sell the drugs you’ve made so far.

Before going on a hunt to find the drug dealer, make sure to be strapped (have a weapon) because there’s always some sneaky boys tryna mug someone at the locations so be careful!
1 - Underpass
You get here by taking the stairs just by the overpass at PD, you can’t miss it!
2 - By Hungeries Schwein, Under the Highway
If you’re at the Roadcrew Station/Gas Station you go towards the restaurant and he’s gonna be hiding somewhere under the highway bend.
3 - Behind Bank
Just go behind the Bank, you can’t miss him if he’s there.
4 - House Alley at Office
You will see some small buildings, run between the alleyways and if he’s there you won’t miss him.
5 - The Docks
Follow the map young boy.
6 - at Bazaar
He’s open to the public behind the Bazaar shops close to the road, so watch out!
7 - Ragnatech Alley
At Jennifer’s Clothing Store but in the alley, if he’s there you won’t miss him.
8 - Behind Suburbs Storage
Nothing to explain, he’s behind the storage in the alley which you can enter on the side by Jennifer’s Clothing Store.
Here are a few simple steps how to get going with farming and growing drugs to get as rich as you can possibly dream of!
Use the pictures for a quick and easy help how to do so;
Step 1;
First thing(s) you will need to get done is to get a Planter Box, 5+ Water Bottles and 5 Seeds of Coke or Marijuana.

And then the seeds you get from the Drug Dealer which you can find above. AT LEAST 5 Seeds of either Coke or Marijuana.
Step 2;
Now, when you have crafted and gotten everything you need to start growing drugs, you do the following things!
The first thing you wanna do is obviously place the Planter Box and use 5 water bottles to water the planter, after you have watered the planter you are free to left click on the seeds in your inventory wheel (Hold Q) and plant the seeds.
What you wanna do now is wait for approximately 16 Minutes for the Marijuana/33 Minutes for Coke to grow, it should say ''Ready'' to Harvest when done, see the picture below.

Step 3;
Now, If you need Seeds to plant more drugs, follow the following steps when your drugs have been grown and they're now on ready to harvest, what you wanna do is wait for another 10 minutes for the drugs to go to 'Flowering'

After this, you will see the Plants going from Flowering to Seeding after waiting for the correct amount of time.
Congratulations, you have now learned how to get yourself around the city, find and apply for the different jobs around Paralake and Grow Drugs to make a little extra money!
Thanks for Reading!

Kind Regards,
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